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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Clement Of Alexandria, Extracts From The Prophets, 35

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
adumbrationes Černušková, Kovacs and Plátová, Clement’s Biblical Exegesis: Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (2016) 322
clement of alexandria Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 424
exegesis Černušková, Kovacs and Plátová, Clement’s Biblical Exegesis: Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (2016) 322
metaphor Černušková, Kovacs and Plátová, Clement’s Biblical Exegesis: Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (2016) 322
septuagint' Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 424
soul (human) Černušková, Kovacs and Plátová, Clement’s Biblical Exegesis: Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (2016) 322
thoughts (ta noēmata) Černušková, Kovacs and Plátová, Clement’s Biblical Exegesis: Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (2016) 322