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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Cicero, On Old Age, 16

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

6 results
1. Cicero, Brutus, 62 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

62. et hercules eae quidem eae quidem F2 : hae quidem M : equidem codd. exstant: ipsae enim familiae sua quasi ornamenta ac monumenta servabant et ad usum, si quis eiusdem generis occidisset, et ad memoriam laudum domesticarum et ad inlustrandam nobilitatem suam. Quam- 20 quam his laudationibus historia rerum nostrarum est facta mendosior. Multa enim scripta sunt in eis eis vulg. : his L quae facta non sunt: falsi triumphi, plures consulatus, genera etiam falsa et ad plebem a plebe maluit Lambinus transitiones, cum homines humiliores in alienum eiusdem nominis infunderentur genus; ut si ego me a M'. Tullio esse dicerem, qui patricius cum Servio Sulpicio consul anno x post exactos reges fuit.
2. Cicero, Brutus, 62 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

62. et hercules eae quidem eae quidem F2 : hae quidem M : equidem codd. exstant: ipsae enim familiae sua quasi ornamenta ac monumenta servabant et ad usum, si quis eiusdem generis occidisset, et ad memoriam laudum domesticarum et ad inlustrandam nobilitatem suam. Quam- 20 quam his laudationibus historia rerum nostrarum est facta mendosior. Multa enim scripta sunt in eis eis vulg. : his L quae facta non sunt: falsi triumphi, plures consulatus, genera etiam falsa et ad plebem a plebe maluit Lambinus transitiones, cum homines humiliores in alienum eiusdem nominis infunderentur genus; ut si ego me a M'. Tullio esse dicerem, qui patricius cum Servio Sulpicio consul anno x post exactos reges fuit.
3. Cicero, On Old Age, 11, 17-85, 10 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

4. Cicero, Pro Caelio, 37, 34 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

5. Cicero, Tusculan Disputations, 4.4 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

4.4. quamquam id quidem etiam duodecim tabulae declarant, tb. 8, 1 Br. condi iam tum solitum esse carmen; quod ne liceret fieri ad ad X in V 2 alterius iniuriam, iniuriam infamiam add. V 2 ( sed C. non ut rep. 4, 12 ipsa legis verba affert ) lege legem V 1 (m. del. 2 ) longe K sanxerunt. nec vero illud non eruditorum temporum argumentum est, quod et deorum pulvinaribus et epulis magistratuum fides praecinunt, quod proprium eius fuit, de qua loquor, disciplinae. mihi quidem etiam Appii appii+ tuberonem K 1 ( etiam +), reliqua in mg. add. K c Caeci carmen, quod valde Panaetius laudat epistola quadam, quae est ad Q. ad Q. V rec s atque X Tuberonem, Pythagoreum pythagoreorum X corr. V 2? videtur. multa multae GR 1 ( corr. 1 ) V 1 ( corr. 2? ) etiam sunt in nostris institutis ducta ductis ducta K autc ab illis; quae praetereo, ne ea, quae repperisse perperisse X peperisse K 2 s repperisse Dav. ( cf. nat. deor. 2, 16 ) ipsi putamur, aliunde didicisse videamur. aliunde didicisse videamur post 13 nostros habet X. suo loco posuit V c
6. Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library, 31.25.2 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

31.25.2.  Diodorus, in his account of the funeral of Lucius Aemilius, the conqueror of Perseus, states that it was conducted with the utmost splendour, and adds the following passage: "Those Romans who by reason of noble birth and the fame of their ancestors are pre-eminent are, when they die, portrayed in figures that are not only lifelike as to features but show their whole bodily appearance. For they employ actors who through a man's whole life have carefully observed his carriage and the several peculiarities of his appearance. In like fashion each of the dead man's ancestors takes his place in the funeral procession, with such robes and insignia as enable the spectators to distinguish from the portrayal how far each had advanced in the cursus honorum and had had a part in the dignities of the state.

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
appius claudius caecus Gilbert, Graver and McConnell, Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (2023) 233
athens Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
atticus t. pomponius Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
auspices Gilbert, Graver and McConnell, Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (2023) 233
caelius rufus, m. Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
carmen Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
carmina Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
cato m. porcius censorinus (the elder) Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
cato the elder Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 221
cicero, performance as ap. claudius caecus Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
cicero, pro caelio Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
claudius caecus, ap. Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
claudius caecus, app. (censor 312 bce) Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
comedy Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
cornelius Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
de senectute Gilbert, Graver and McConnell, Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (2023) 233
dico Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
dramatis personae, pyrrhus Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
ennius, as authority Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 221
ennius, as witness Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 221
ennius Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
ennius annales Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
epicureanism Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
epitaphs Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
exstat Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
fabius maximus, quintus Gilbert, Graver and McConnell, Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (2023) 233
fabius maximus cunctator, q. Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33
fabulae praetextae Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
flower, h. Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
freedom / libertas Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
friendship / amicitia Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
genres of latin poetry, epic Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
gossip Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
historicity Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33
imagines maiorum Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
immortality Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33
laelius, c. (cos. 140 bce) Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
laelius c. Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
laudatio, laudationes Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
literature, latin and orality Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
nosti quae sequuntur Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
panaetius Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
performance, of literature Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
polibius Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
politics Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
pompa funebris Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
principle / principium / archē / ἀρχή Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
pyrrhus of epirus Gilbert, Graver and McConnell, Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (2023) 233
religion' Gilbert, Graver and McConnell, Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (2023) 233
scaevola, q. mucius (cos. 117 bce) Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33
scipio aemilianus Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 221
scipio p. cornelius Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
sequor Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 221
skutsch, otto Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33
stoicism Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134
tradition Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
tusculum Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
uersus Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 33, 221
wisdom / sapientia Maso, CIcero's Philosophy (2022) 37
wiseman, p. Duffalo, The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome's Transition to a Principate (2006) 134