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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database
, 94
hanc igitur ob causam videtur Laeli mens spirare etiam in scriptis, Galbae autem vis occidisse. fuerunt etiam in oratorum numero mediocrium L. et Sp. Mummii fratres, quorum exstant amborum orationes; simplex quidem Lucius et antiquus, Spurius autem nihilo ille quidem ornatior, sed tamen astrictior; fuit enim doctus ex disciplina ex d. vulg. : et d. L Stoicorum. Multae sunt Sp. Albini orationes. Sunt etiam L. et C. Aureliorum Orestarum, quos aliquo video in numero oratorum fuisse. P. etiam
This is the reason why the calm and easy spirit of Laelius seems still to breathe in his writings, whereas the force of Galba is entirely withered and lost."We may also reckon in the number of middling orators, the two brothers L. and Sp. Mummius, both whose orations are still in being:- the style of Lucius is plain and antiquated; but that of Spurius, though equally unembellished, is more close, and compact; for he was well versed in the doctrine of the Stoics. The orations of Sp. Albinus, their contemporary, are very numerous: and we have several by L. and C. Aurelius Orestes, who were esteemed indifferent speakers.
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laelius, c.
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