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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Cicero, Brutus, 88

addebat etiam idque id quod maluit Lambinus ad rem pertinere putabat, scriptores illos male mulcatos exisse cum Galba; ex quo significabat illum non in agendo solum, sed etiam in meditando vehementem atque incensum fuisse. Quid multa? magna exspectatione, plurimis audientibus, coram ipso Laelio sic illam causam tanta vi tantaque gravitate dixisse Galbam ut nulla fere pars orationis silentio praeteriretur. Itaque multis querelis multaque miseratione adhibita socios omnibus approbantibus illa die quaestione liberatos esse.Rutilius added, as another circumstance worth noticing, that his scribes, who attended him to the bar, appeared excessively fatigued: from whence he thought it probable that he was equally warm and vigorous in the composition, as in the delivery of his speeches. But to conclude the story, Galba pleaded his cause before Laelius himself, and a very numerous and attentive audience, with such uncommon force and dignity, that every part of his oration received the applause of his hearers: and so powerfully did he move the feelings, and affect the pity of the judges, that his clients were immediately acquitted of the charge, to the satisfaction of the whole court.

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
bacchanalian affair Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
cassius longinus, c. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
hostilius tubulus, l. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
imperium Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
laelius, c. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 306
lex aebutia Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
lex aelia Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
lex fufia Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
lex villia annalis Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
lex voconia Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
obnuntiatio Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
philip v. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
plebiscitum cassium Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
plebiscitum gabinium Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
porcius cato, m. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 306
senate, roman Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
tribunes of the plebs Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246
values' Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 246