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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Cicero, Brutus, 75

recte, inquam, Brute, intellegis. Atque utinam exstarent illa carmina, quae multis saeculis ante suam aetatem in epulis esse cantitata a singulis convivis de clarorum virorum laudibus in Originibus scriptum reliquit Cato! Tamen tamen L : ita me Weidner : nam Naevi Eberhard illius, quem in vatibus et Faunis adnumerat enumerat BHM Ennius, bellum bellum codd. det. : bello L Punicum quasi Myronis opus delectat.You understand me right," said I; "and I heartily wish those venerable odes were still extant, which Cato informs us in his Origins, used to be sung by every guest in his turn at the homely feasts of our ancestors, many ages before, to commemorate the feats of their heroes. But the Punic war of that antiquated poet [Naevius, whom Ennius so proudly ranks among the Fauns and rustic Bards, affords me as exquisite a pleasure as the finest statue that was ever formed by Myron.

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
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habinek, thomas Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 47, 48
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inquit Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 47
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livius andronicus Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 47, 48
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naevius, and ennius Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 47
naevius, bellum punicum Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 47
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pythagoras Burton, Dionysus and Rome: Religion and Literature (2009) 139
reading Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 47, 48
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trebatius testa, c. Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 48
uersus Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 47