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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Cicero, Brutus, 69

ornari orationem Graeci putant, si verborum immutationibus utantur utamur maluit Stangl , quos appellant tro/pous, et sententiarum orationisque formis, quae vocant sxh/mata : non veri simile est quam sit in utroque genere et creber et creber et F2M2 : creberet M1 : crebere F1G : crebre codd. distinctus Cato. nec vero ignoro nondum esse satis politum hunc oratorem et quaerendum esse aliquid perfectius; quippe cum ita sit ad nostrorum temporum rationem vetus,ut nullius scriptum exstet dignum quidem lectione quod sit antiquius quippe... antiquius secl. Eberhard . Sed maiore honore in maiore in honore Sauppe omnibus artibus quam in hac una arte arte secl. vulg. dicendi versatur observatur Bährens antiquitas. quis enim eorum qui haec minora animadvertunt non intellegit Canachi signaiora esse quam ut imitentur veri— tatem; Calamidis dura illa quidem, sed tamen molliora quam Canachi; nondum Myronis satis ad veritatem adducta, iam tamen quae non dubites pulchra dicere; pulchriora etiam etiam FO om. vulg. Polycliti et iam et iam O2 al : etiam vulg. plane perfecta, ut mihi quidem videri solent? Similis in pictura ratio est; in qua Zeuxim et Polygnotum et Timanthem et eorum, qui non sunt usi plus quam quattuor coloribus, formas et liniamenta laudamus; at in Aetione Nicomacho Protogene Apelle iam perfecta sunt omnia. et nescio an reliquis in rebus omnibus idem eveniat: nihil est enim simul et inventum et perfectum; nec dubitari debet quin fuerint ante Homerum poetae, quod ex eis carminibus intellegi potest, quae apud illum et in Phaeacum et in procorum epulis canuntur. Quid, nostri veteres versus ubi sunt? quos olim Fauni vatesque canebant, cum neque Musarum scopulos .... quisquam superarat add. Victories nec doctis dictis doctis dictis Bergk : dicti L studiosus quisquam erat ante hunc ait ipse de se de se Ennius Bake, codices deteriores secutus nec mentitur in gloriando: sic enim sic in L : sic [ ut ] vulg. sese res habet. Nam et Odyssia Latina est sic tamquam opus aliquod Daedali et Livianae fabulae non satis dignae quae iterum legantur.The Greeks themselves acknowledge that the chief beauty of composition results from the frequent use of those mutated forms of expression which they call tropes, and of those various attitudes of language and sentiment which they call schemata [figures: but it is almost incredible in what numbers, and with what amazing variety, they are all employed by Cato. I know, indeed, that he is not sufficiently polished, and that recourse must be had to a more perfect model for imitation: for he is an author of such antiquity, that he is the oldest now extant, whose writings can be read with patience; and the ancients in general acquired a much greater reputation in every other art, than in that of speaking.

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iunius brutus, m. (praet. 44 bce) Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 304
laelius, c. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 304
porcius cato, m. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 304
sempronius gracchus, t. ( cos . Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 304
sempronius gracchus, t. (trib. pl. Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 304
sulpicius galus, c.' Balbo and Santangelo, A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi (2022) 304