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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Cicero, Brutus, 3

etenim si in leviorum artium studio memoriae proditum est poetas nobilis poeta- rum aequalium morte morte L : mortem Lambinus doluisse, quo quo L : quo ego Stangl tandem animo eius interitum ferre debui, cum quo certare erat gloriosius quam omnino adversarium non habere ? cum praesertim non modo numquam sit aut illius a me cursus impeditus aut ab illo meus, sed contra semper alter ab altero adiutus et communicando et monendo et favendo.For if we have instances in history, though in studies of less public consequence, that some of the poets have been greatly afflicted at the death of their contemporary bards; with what tender concern should I honour the memory of a man, with whom it is more glorious to have disputed the prize of eloquence, than never to have met with an antagonist! especially, as he was always so far from obstructing my endeavours, or I his, that, on the contrary, we mutually assisted each other, with our credit and advice.

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academy Culík-Baird, Cicero and the Early Latin Poets (2022) 42
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