alexander iii of makedon |
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 91 |
anomia (lawlessness) |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 155, 156 |
antiphon, concord |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 158, 161 |
antiphon, truth |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161 |
antiphon |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161 |
antiphon the sophist |
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 91 |
athens, litigiousness |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 156 |
athens, political importance of nomos |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 158 |
atomism |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 152, 153 |
democracy, and nomos |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 158 |
diels, hermann |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 152 |
farrar, cynthia |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 157 |
gagarin, michael |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 154 |
greek/barbarian division |
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 91 |
intelligence (gnōmē, nous, phronēsis), in antiphon |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 161 |
law (nomos), in antiphon |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 154, 155, 156, 157, 161 |
law (nomos) |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 154, 158 |
nomos—phusis opposition |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 154 |
ostwald, martin |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 158 |
passion (thumos) |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 161 |
physis, in antiphon |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 154 |
physis |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 154, 155 |
protagoras' |
Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 91 |
sōphrosynē (moderation, self-control, discipline, sound-mindedness, temperance), in antiphon |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 161 |
trials and tribunals |
Wolfsdorf, Early Greek Ethics (2020) 156 |