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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Testament Of Joseph, 3

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

4 results
1. Anon., Jubilees, 39.5-39.7 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)

39.5. But he did not surrender his soul, and he remembered the Lord and the words which Jacob, his father, used to read from amongst the words of Abraham 39.6. that no man should commit fornication with a woman who hath a husband; that for him the punishment of death hath been ordained in the heavens before the Most High God 39.7. and the sin will be recorded against him in the eternal books continually before the Lord. brAnd Joseph remembered these words and refused to lie with her.
2. Anon., Testament of Joseph, 6 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. CE)

3. Anon., Testament of Reuben, 4.6, 5.1-5.5 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. CE)

4.6. For a pit unto the soul is the sin of fornication, separating it from God, and bringing it near to idols, because it deceiveth the mind and understanding, and leadeth young men into hades before their time. 5.1. For evil are women, my children; and since they have no power or strength over man, they use wiles by outward attractions, that they may draw him to themselves. 5.2. And whom they cannot bewitch by outward attractions, him they overcome by craft. 5.3. For moreover, concerning them, the angel of the Lord told me, and taught me, that women are overcome by the spirit of fornication more than men, and in their heart they plot against men; and by means of their adornment they deceive first their minds, and by the glance of the eye instill the poison, and then through the accomplished act they take them captive. 5.4. For a woman cannot force a man openly, but by a harlot's bearing she beguiles him. Flee, therefore, fornication 5.5. my children, and command your wives and your daughters, that they adorn not their heads and faces to deceive the mind: because every woman who useth these wiles hath been reserved for eternal punishment.
4. Anon., Sibylline Oracles, 3.596-3.600 (1st cent. BCE - 5th cent. CE)

3.596. Thracian Crobyzi shall rise up on Hæmus. 3.597. Chatter of teeth to the Campanians come 3.598. Because of wasting famine; Corsica 3.599. Weeps her old father, and Sardinia 3.600. 600 Shall by great storms of winter and the stroke

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