14. Anon., Sibylline Oracles, 1.65-1.125, 1.127-1.147, 1.157-1.158, 1.165, 1.179, 1.267-1.275, 1.281, 1.283-1.323, 2.15, 2.34-2.148, 2.154-2.175, 2.200-2.202, 2.206-2.207, 2.212-2.213, 2.231, 2.252-2.310, 2.312, 2.322-2.329, 2.337-2.338, 3.1-3.807, 3.809-3.829, 4.6-4.11, 4.18-4.39, 4.49-4.101, 4.107-4.113, 4.116, 4.127, 4.130-4.134, 4.145-4.148, 4.165, 4.173-4.192, 5.14, 5.34, 5.93-5.97, 5.108-5.109, 5.111-5.178, 5.214-5.227, 5.256, 5.361-5.370, 5.414-5.417 (1st cent. BCE - 5th cent. CE)
| 1.65. 65 For their abiding now in mortal land 1.66. Was brought to pass, since hearing they kept not 1.67. The word of the immortal mighty God. 1.68. And straightway they, upon the fruitful soil 1.69. Forthgoing, with their tears and groans were wet; 1.70. 70 And to them then the immortal God himself 1.71. A word more excellent spoke: “Multiply 1.72. Increase, work constantly upon the earth 1.73. That with the sweat of labor ye may have 1.74. Sufficient food.” Thus he spoke; and he made 1.75. 75 The author of deceit to press the ground 1.76. On belly and on side, a crawling snake 1.77. Driving him out severely; and he sent 1.78. Dire enmity between them and the one 1.79. Is on the look-out to preserve his head 1.80. 80 But man his heel; for death is neighbor near 1.81. of evil-plotting vipers and of men. 1.82. And then indeed the race was multiplied 1.83. As the Almighty himself gave command 1.84. And there grew up one people on another 1.85. 85 Innumerable. And houses they adorned 1.86. of all kinds and made cities and their wall 1.87. Well and expertly; and to them was given 1.88. A day of long time for a life much-loved; 1.89. For they did not worn out with troubles die 1.90. 90 But as subdued by sleep; most happy men 1.91. of great heart, whom the immortal Saviour loved 1.92. The King, God. But they also did transgress 1.93. Smitten with folly. For with impudence 1.94. They mocked their fathers and their mothers scorned; 1.95. 95 Kinsmen they knew not, and they formed intrigue 1.96. Against their brothers. And they were impure 1.97. Having defiled themselves with human gore 1.98. And they made wars. And then upon them came 1.99. The last calamity sent forth from heaven 1.100. 100 Which snatched the dreadful men away from life; 1.101. And Hades then received them; it was called 1.102. Hades since Adam, having tasted death 1.103. Went first and earth encompassed him around. 1.104. And therefore all men born upon the earth 1.105. 105 Are in abodes of Hades called to go. 1.106. But even in Hades all these when they came 1.107. Had honor, since they were the earliest race. 1.108. But when Hades received these, secondly 1.109. [of the surviving and most righteous men] 1.110. 110 God formed another very subtile race 1.111. That cared for lovely works, and noble toils 1.112. Distinguished reverence and solid wisdom; 1.113. And they were trained in arts of every kind 1.114. Finding inventions by their lack of means. 1.115. 115 And one devised to till the land with plows 1.116. Another worked in wood, another cared 1.117. For sailing, and another watched the star 1.118. And practiced augury with winged fowls; 1.119. And use of drugs had interest for one 1.120. 120 While for another magic had a charm; 1.121. And others were in every other art 1.122. Which men care for instructed, wide awake 1.123. Industrious, worthy of that eponym 1.124. Because they had a sleepless mind within 1.125. 125 And a huge body; stout with mighty form 1.127. Into Tartarean chamber terrible 1.128. Kept in firm chains to pay full penalty 1.129. In Gehenna of strong, furious, quenchless fire. 1.130. 130 And after these a third strong-minded race 1.131. Appeared, a race of overbearing men 1.132. And terrible, who wrought among themselve 1.133. Many an evil. And fights, homicides 1.134. And battles did continually destroy 1.135. 135 Those men possessed of overweening heart 1.136. And from these afterward another race 1.137. Proceeded, late-completed, youngest born 1.138. Blood-stained, perverse in counsel; of men these 1.139. Were in the fourth race; much the blood they spilled 1.140. 140 Nor feared they God nor had regard for men 1.141. For maddening wrath and sore impiety 1.142. Were sent upon them. And wars, homicides 1.143. And battles sent some into Erebus 1.144. Since they were overweening impious men. 1.145. 145 But the rest did the heavenly God himself 1.146. In anger afterwards change from his world 1.147. Casting them into mighty Tartaru 1.157. From heaven thus spoke: “Noah, be of good cheer 1.158. In thyself and to all the people preach 1.165. 165 I will put understanding in thy heart 1.179. The hundreds are twice eight and thrice three ten 1.267. And he massed clouds, and bid the sun's bright disk 1.268. And moon, and stars, and circle of the heaven 1.269. Obscuring all things round; he thundered loud 1.270. 270 Terror of mortals, sending lightnings forth; 1.271. And all the winds together were aroused 1.272. And all the veins of water were unloosed 1.273. By opening of great cataracts from heaven 1.274. And from earth's caverns and the tireless deep 1.275. 275 Appeared the myriad waters, and the whole 1.281. While the loud-babbling waters dashed around. 1.283. Then also Noah took thought to observe 1.284. By counsels of the Immortal; for he now 1.285. 285 Had had enough of Nereus. And straightway 1.286. The house he opened from the polished wall 1.287. That crosswise was bound fast with skillful stays. 1.288. And looking out upon the mighty ma 1.289. of boundless waters Noah on all sides– 1.290. 290 And 'twas his fortune with his eyes to see!– 1.291. Fear possessed and shook mightily his heart. 1.292. And then the air became a little calm 1.293. Since it was weary wetting all the world 1.294. Many days; parting, then, it brought to light 1.295. 295 How pale and blood-red was the mighty sky 1.296. And sun's bright disk awearied; scarcely held 1.297. Noah his courage. And then forth afar 1.298. Sent he a dove alone, that he might learn 1.299. If yet firm land appeared. But with tired wing 1.300. 300 Flying round all things, she again returned; 1.301. For not yet had the water ebbed away; 1.302. For it was deeply filling every place. 1.303. But after resting quietly for day 1.304. He sent the dove once more, to learn if yet 1.305. 305 Had ceased the many waters. And she flew 1.306. And flew on, and went o'er the earth and, resting 1.307. Her body lightly on the humid ground 1.308. Again to Noah back she came and bore 1.309. An olive branch–of tidings a great sign. 1.310. 310 Courage now filled them all, and great delight 1.311. Because they hoped to look upon the land. 1.312. But then thereafter yet another bird 1.313. of black wing, sent he forth as hastily; 1.314. Which, trusting to its wings, flow willingly 1.315. 315 And coming to the land continued there. 1.316. And Noah knew the land was nearer now. 1.317. But when on dashing waves the craft divine 1.318. Had here and there o'er ocean's billows swum 1.319. It was made fast upon the narrow strand. 1.320. 320 There is in Phrygia on the dark mainland 1.321. A steep, tall mountain; Ararat its name 1.322. Because upon it all were to be saved 1.323. From death, and there was great desire of heart; 2.15. 15 Among most men, and robbery of temples. 2.34. Nor yet enslaved. And every harbor then 2.35. 35 And every haven, shall be free to men 2.36. As formerly, and shamelessness shall perish. 2.37. And then will God show mortals a great sign: 2.38. For like a lustrous crown shall shine a star 2.39. Bright, all-resplendent, from the radiant heaven 2.40. 40 Days not a few; and then will he display 2.40. 40 Imperishable honor always first 2.41. From heaven a crown for contest unto men 2.41. And next thy parents. Render all things due 2.42. Who wrestle. And then there shall be again 2.42. And into unjust judgment come thou not. 2.43. A mighty contest of triumphal march 2.43. Do not cast out the poor unrighteously 2.44. Into the heavenly sky, and it shall be 2.44. Nor judge by outward show; if wickedly 2.45. 45 For all men in the world, and have the fame 2.46. of immortality. And every people 2.47. Shall then in the immortal contests strive 2.48. For splendid victory. For no one there 2.49. Can shamelessly with silver buy a crown. 2.50. 50 For unto them will the pure Christ adjudge 2.51. That which is due, and crown the ones approved 2.52. And give his martyrs an immortal prize 2.53. Who carry on the contest unto death. 2.54. And unto chaste men who run their race well 2.55. 55 Will he the incorruptible reward 2.56. of the prize give, and to all men allot 2.57. That which is due, and also to strange nation 2.58. That live a holy life and know one God. 2.59. And those who have regard for marriage 2.60. 60 And keep themselves far from adulteries 2.61. To them rich gifts, eternal hope, he'll give. 2.62. For every human soul is God's free gift 2.63. And 'tis not right men stain it with vile deeds. 2.64. [Do not be rich unrighteously, but lead 2.65. 65 A life of probity. Be satisfied 2.66. With what thou hast and keep thyself from that 2.67. Which is another's. Speak not what is false 2.68. But have a care for all things that are true. 2.69. Revere not idols vainly; but the God 2.75. 75 Thou judgest, God hereafter will judge thee. 2.76. Avoid false testimony; tell the truth. 2.77. Maintain thy virgin purity, and guard 2.78. Love among all. Deal measures that are just; 2.79. For beautiful is measure full to all. 2.80. 80 Strike not the scales oneside, but draw them equal. 2.81. Forswear not ignorantly nor willingly; 2.82. God hates the perjured man in that he swore. 2.83. A gift proceeding out of unjust deed 2.84. Never receive in hand. Do not steal seed; 2.85. 85 Accursed through many generations he 2.86. Who took it unto scattering of life. 2.87. Indulge not vile lusts, slander not, nor kill. 2.88. Give the toilworn his hire; do not afflict 2.89. The poor man. Unto orphans help afford 2.90. 90 And to widows and the needy. Talk with sense; 2.91. Hold fast in heart a secret. Be unwilling 2.92. To act unjustly nor yet tolerate 2.93. Unrighteous men. Give to the poor at once 2.94. And say not, “Come to-morrow.” of thy grain 2.95. 95 Give to the needy with perspiring hand. 2.96. He who gives alms knows how to lend to God. 2.97. Mercy redeems from death when judgment comes. 2.98. Not sacrifice, but mercy God desire 2.99. Rather than sacrifice. The naked clothe 2.100. 100 Share thy bread with the hungry, in thy house 2.101. Receive the shelterless and lead the blind. 2.102. Pity the shipwrecked; for the voyage i 2.103. Uncertain. To the fallen give a hand; 2.104. And save the man that stands without defense. 2.105. 105 Common to all is suffering, life's a wheel 2.106. Riches unstable. Having wealth, reach out 2.107. To the poor thy hand. of what God gave to thee 2.108. Bestow thou also on the needy one. 2.109. Common is the whole life of mortal men; 2.110. 110 But it comes out unequal. When thou seest 2.111. A poor man never banter him with words 2.112. Nor harshly accost a man who may be blamed. 2.113. One's life in death is proven; if one did 2.114. The unlawful or just, it shall be decided 2.115. 115 When he to judgment comes. Disable not 2.116. Thy mind with wine nor drink excessively. 2.117. Eat not blood, and abstain from thing 2.118. offered to idols. Gird not on the sword 2.119. For slaughter, but defense; and would thou might 2.120. 120 It neither lawlessly nor justly use: 2.121. For if thou kill an enemy thy hand 2.122. Thou dost defile. Keep from thy neighbor's field 2.123. Nor trespass on it; just is every landmark 2.124. And trespass painful. Useful is possession 2.125. 125 of lawful wealth, but of unrighteous gain 2.126. 'Tis worthless. Harm not any growing fruit 2.127. of the field. And let strangers be esteemed 2.128. In equal honor with the citizens; 2.129. For much-enduring hospitality 2.130. 130 Shall all experience as each other's guests; 2.131. But let there not be anyone a stranger 2.132. Among you, since, ye mortals, all of you 2.133. Are of one 'blood, and no land has for men 2.134. Any sure place. Wish not nor pray for wealth; 2.135. 135 But pray to live from few things and posse 2.136. Nothing at all unjust. The love of gain 2.137. Is mother of all evil. Do not long 2.138. For gold or silver; in them there will be 2.139. A double-edged and soul-destroying iron. 2.140. 140 A snare to men continually are gold 2.141. And silver. Gold, of evils source, of life 2.142. Destructive, troubling all things, would that thou 2.143. Wert, not to mortals such a longed-for bane! 2.144. For wars, because of thee, and pillaging 2.145. 145 And murders come, and children hate their sires 2.146. And brothers and sisters those of their own blood. 2.147. Plot no deceit, and do not arm thy heart 2.148. Against a friend. Keep not concealed within 2.154. But he that does it under force, the end 2.155. 155 I tell not; but let each man's will be right. 2.156. Pride not thyself in wisdom, power, or wealth; 2.157. God only is the wise and mighty one 2.158. And full of riches. Do not vex thy heart 2.159. With evils that are past; for what is done 2.160. 160 Can never be undone. Let not thy hand 2.161. Be hasty, but ferocious passion curb; 2.162. For many times has one in striking done 2.163. Murder without design. Let suffering 2.164. Be common, neither great nor overmuch. 2.165. 165 Excessive good has not brought forth to men 2.166. That which is helpful. And much luxury 2.167. Leads to immoderate lusts. Much wealth is prowl 2.168. And makes one grow to wanton violence. 2.169. Passionate feeling, creeping in, effect 2.170. 170 Destructive madness. Anger is a lust 2.171. And when it is excessive it is wrath. 2.172. The zeal of good men is a noble thing 2.173. But of the base is base. of wicked men 2.174. The boldness is destructive, but renown 2.175. 175 Follows that of the good. To be revered 2.200. 200 Ah! of how many parents in the land 2.201. Will children mourn and piteously weep 2.202. And with shrouds bury flesh and limbs in earth 2.206. Terrible, childish, not perceiving this 2.207. That when the tribes of women do not bear 2.212. Perform for men. And then of holy men 2.213. Elect and faithful, there shall be confusion 2.231. To them that sleep, that from the starry heaven 2.252. And all the souls of men shall gnash their teeth 2.253. Burned both by sulphur stream and force of fire 2.254. In ravenous soil, and ashes hide all things. 2.255. 255 And then of the world all the element 2.256. Shall be bereft, air, earth, sea, light, sky, days 2.257. Nights; and no longer in the air shall fly 2.258. Birds without number, nor shall living thing 2.259. That swim the sea swim any more at all 2.260. 260 Nor freighted vessel o'er the billows pass 2.261. Nor kine straight-guiding plow the field, nor sound 2.262. of furious winds; but he shall fuse all thing 2.263. Together, and shall pick out what is pure. 2.264. But when the immortal God's eternal angel 2.265. 265 Arakiel, Ramiel, Uriel, Samiel 2.266. And Azael, they that know how many evil 2.267. Anyone did before, shall from dark gloom 2.268. Then lead to judgment all the souls of men 2.269. Before the judgment-seat of the great God 2.270. 270 Immortal; for imperishable i 2.271. One only, himself the almighty, One 2.272. Who shall be judge of mortals; and to them 2.273. That dwell beneath will then the heavenly One 2.274. Give souls and spirit and voice, and also bone 2.275. 275 Fitted with joints unto all kinds of flesh 2.276. And both the flesh and sinews, veins and skin 2.277. About the body, and hair as before; 2.278. Divinely fashioned and with breathing moved 2.279. Shall bodies of those on earth one day be raised. 2.280. 280 And then shall Uriel, mighty angel, break 2.281. The bolts of stern and lasting adamant 2.282. Which, monstrous, bold the brazen gates of Hades 2.283. Straight cast them down, and unto judgment lead 2.284. All forms that have endured much suffering 2.285. 285 Chiefly the shapes of Titans born of old 2.286. And giants, and all whom the deluge whelmed 2.287. And all that perished in the billowy seas 2.288. And all that furnished banquet for the beast 2.289. And creeping things and fowls, these in a ma 2.290. 290 Shall (Uriel) summon to the judgment-seat; 2.291. And also those whom flesh-devouring fire 2.292. Destroyed in flame, even these shall he collect 2.293. And place before the judgment-seat of God. 2.294. And when the high-thundering Lord of Sabaoth 2.295. 295 Making an end of fate shall raise the dead 2.296. Sit on his heavenly throne, and firmly fix 2.297. The mighty pillar, then amid the cloud 2.298. Christ, who himself is incorruptible 2.299. Shall come unto the Incorruptible 2.300. 300 In glory with pure angels, and shall sit 2.301. At the right hand on the great judgment-seat 2.302. To judge the life of pious and the way 2.303. of impious men. And Moses, the great friend 2.304. of the Most High, shall come enrobed in flesh 2.305. 305 Also great Abraham himself shall come 2.306. Isaac and Jacob, Joshua, Daniel 2.307. Elijah, Habakkuk and Jonah, and 2.308. Those whom the Hebrews slew. But he'll destroy 2.309. The Hebrews after Jeremiah, all 2.310. 310 Who are to be judged at the judgment-seat 2.312. And pay for all each did in mortal life. 2.322. Dread, wanton, lawless, and idolaters; 2.323. And all who left the great immortal God 2.324. Became blasphemers did the pious harm 2.325. 325 Destroying faith and killing righteous men 2.326. And all that with a shamelessness deceitful 2.327. And double-faced rush in as presbyter 2.328. And reverend ministers, who knowingly 2.329. Give unjust judgments, yielding to false word 2.337. And all that left their parents in old age 2.338. Not paying them at all, nor offering 3.1. O THOU high-thundering blessed heavenly One 3.2. Who hast set in their place the cherubim 3.3. I, who have uttered what is all too true 3.4. Entreat thee, let me have a little rest; 3.5. 5 For my heart has grown weary from within. 3.6. But why again leaps my heart, and my soul 3.7. With a whip smitten from within constrained 3.8. To utter forth its message unto all? 3.9. But yet again will I proclaim all thing 3.10. 10 Which God commands me to proclaim to men. 3.11. O men, that in your image have a form 3.12. Fashioned of God, why do ye vainly stray 3.13. And walk not in the straight way, always mindful 3.14. of the immortal Maker? God is one 3.15. 15 Sovereign, ineffable, dwelling in heaven 3.16. The self-existent and invisible 3.17. Himself alone beholding everything; 3.18. Him sculptor's hand made not, nor is his form 3.19. Shown by man's art from gold or ivory; 3.20. 20 But he, eternal Lord, proclaims himself 3.21. As one who is and was erst and shall be 3.22. Again hereafter. For who being mortal 3.23. Can see God with his eyes? Or who shall bear 3.24. To hear the only name of heaven's great God 3.25. 25 The ruler of the world? He by his word 3.26. Created all things, even heaven and sea 3.27. And tireless sun, and full moon and bright stars 3.28. And mighty mother Tethys, springs and rivers 3.28. 28 of the Chaldeans, nor astronomize; 3.29. Imperishable fire, and days and nights. 3.29. O For these are all deceptive, in so far 3.30. 30 This is the God who formed four-lettered Adam 3.30. As foolish men go seeking day by day 3.31. The first one formed, and filling with his name 3.31. Training their souls unto no useful work; 3.32. East, west, and south, and north. The same is he 3.32. And then did they teach miserable men 3.33. Who fixed the pattern of the human form 3.33. Deceptions, whence to mortals on the earth 3.34. And made wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls. 3.35. 35 Ye do not worship neither fear ye God 3.36. But vainly go astray and bow the knee 3.37. To serpents, and make offering to cats 3.38. And idols, and stone images of men 3.39. And sit before the doors of godless temples; 3.40. 40 Ye guard him who is God, who keeps all things 3.41. And merry with the wickedness of stone 3.42. Forget the judgment of the immortal Saviour 3.43. Who made the heaven and earth. Alas! a race 3.44. That has delight in blood, deceitful, vile 3.45. 45 Ungodly, of false, double-tongued, immoral men 3.46. Adulterous, idolous, designing fraud 3.47. An evil madness raving in their hearts 3.48. For themselves plundering, having shameless soul; 3.49. For no one who has riches will impart 3.50. 50 To another, but dire wickedness shall be 3.51. Among all mortals, and for sake of gain 3.52. Will many widows not at all keep faith 3.53. But secretly love others, and the bond 3.54. of life those who have husbands do not keep. 3.55. 55 But when Rome shall o'er Egypt also rule 3.56. Governing always, then shall there appear 3.57. The greatest kingdom of the immortal King 3.58. Over men. And a holy Lord shall come 3.59. To hold the scepter over every land 3.60. 60 Unto all ages of fast-hastening time. 3.61. And then shall come inexorable wrath 3.62. On Latin men; three shall by piteous fate 3.63. Endamage Rome. And perish shall all men 3.64. With their own houses, when from heaven shall flow 3.65. 65 A fiery cataract. Ah, wretched me! 3.66. When shall that day and when shall judgment come 3.67. of the immortal God, the mighty King? 3.68. But just now, O ye cities, ye are built 3.69. And all adorned with temples and race-grounds 3.70. 70 Markets, and images of wood, of gold 3.71. of silver and of stone, that ye may come 3.72. Unto the bitter day. For it shall come 3.73. When there shall pass among all men a stench 3.74. of brimstone. Yet each thing will I declare 3.75. 75 In all the cities where men suffer ills. 3.76. From the Sebastenes Beliar shall come 3.77. Hereafter, and the height of hills shall he 3.78. Establish, and shall make the sea stand still 3.79. And the great fiery sun and the bright moon 3.80. 80 And he shall raise the dead, and many sign 3.81. Work before men: but nothing shall be brought 3.82. By him unto completion but deceit 3.83. And many mortals shall be lead astray 3.84. Hebrews both true and choice, and lawless men 3.85. 85 Besides who never gave ear to God's word. 3.86. But when the threatenings of the mighty God 3.87. Shall draw near, and a flaming power shall come 3.88. By billow to the earth, it shall consume 3.89. Both Beliar and all the haughty men 3.90. 90 Who put their trust in him. And thereupon 3.91. Shall the whole world be governed by the hand 3.92. of a woman and obedient everywhere. 3.93. Then when a widow shall o'er all the world 3.94. Gain the rule, and cast in the mighty sea 3.95. 95 Both gold and silver, also brass and iron 3.96. of short lived men into the deep shall cast 3.97. Then all the elements shall be bereft 3.98. of order, when the God who dwells on high 3.99. Shall roll the heaven, even as a scroll is rolled; 3.100. 100 And to the mighty earth and sea shall fall 3.101. The entire multiform sky; and there shall flow 3.102. A tireless cataract of raging fire 3.103. And it shall burn the land, and burn the sea 3.104. And heavenly sky, and night, and day, and melt 3.105. 105 Creation itself together and pick out 3.106. What is pure. No more laughing spheres of light 3.107. Nor night, nor dawn, nor many days of care 3.108. Nor spring, nor winter, nor the summer-time 3.109. Nor autumn. And then of the mighty God 3.110. 110 The judgment midway in a mighty age 3.111. Shall come, when all these things shall come to pass. 3.112. O navigable waters and each land 3.113. of the Orient and of the Occident 3.114. Subject shall all things be to him who come 3.115. 115 Into the world again, and therefore he 3.116. Himself became first conscious of his power. 3.117. But when the threatenings of the mighty God 3.118. Are fulfilled, which he threatened mortals once 3.119. When in Assyrian land they built a tower;– 3.120. 120 (And they all spoke one language, and resolved 3.121. To mount aloft into the starry heaven; 3.122. But on the air the Immortal straightway put 3.123. A mighty force; and then winds from above 3.124. Cast down the great tower and stirred mortals up 3.125. 125 To wrangling with each other; therefore men 3.126. Gave to that city the name of Babylon);– 3.127. Now when the tower fell and the tongues of men 3.128. Turned to all sorts of sounds, straightway all earth 3.129. Was filled with men and kingdoms were divided; 3.130. 130 And then the generation tenth appeared 3.131. of mortal men, from the time when the flood 3.132. Came upon earlier men. And Cronos reigned 3.133. And Titan and Iapetus; and men called them 3.134. Best offspring of Gaia and of Uranus 3.135. 135 Giving to them names both of earth and heaven 3.136. Since they were very first of mortal men. 3.137. So there were three divisions of the earth 3.138. According to the allotment of each man 3.139. And each one having his own portion reigned 3.140. 140 And fought not; for a father's oaths were there 3.141. And equal were their portions. But the time 3.142. Complete of old age on the father came 3.143. And he died; and the sons infringing oath 3.144. Stirred up against each other bitter strife 3.145. 145 Which one should have the royal rank and rule 3.146. Over all mortals; and against each other 3.147. Cronos and Titan fought. But Rhea and Gaia 3.148. And Aphrodite fond of crowns, Demeter 3.149. And Hestia and Dione of fair lock 3.150. 150 Brought them to friendship, and together called 3.151. All who were kings, both brothers and near kin 3.152. And others of the same ancestral blood 3.153. And they judged Cronos should reign king of all 3.154. For he was oldest and of noblest form. 3.155. 155 But Titan laid on Cronos mighty oath 3.156. To rear no male posterity, that he 3.157. Himself might reign when age and fate should come 3.158. To Cronos. And whenever Rhea bore 3.159. Beside her sat the Titans, and all male 3.160. 160 In pieces tore, but let the females live 3.161. To be reared by the mother. But When now 3.162. At the third birth the august Rhea bore 3.163. She brought forth Hera first; and when they saw 3.164. A female offspring, the fierce Titan men 3.165. 165 Betook them to their homes. And thereupon 3.166. Rhea a male child bore, and having bound 3.167. Three men of Crete by oath she quickly sent 3.168. Him into Phrygia to be reared apart 3.169. In secret; therefore did they name him Zeus 3.170. 170 For he was sent away. And thus she sent 3.171. Poseidon also secretly away. 3.172. And Pluto, third, did Rhea yet again 3.173. Noblest of women, at Dodona bear 3.174. Whence flows Europus' river's liquid course 3.175. 175 And with Peneus mixed pours in the sea 3.176. Its water, and men call it Stygian. 3.177. But when the Titans heard that there were son 3.178. Kept secretly, whom Cronos and his wife 3.179. Rhea begat, then Titan sixty youth 3.180. 180 Together gathered, and held fast in chain 3.181. Cronos and his wife Rhea, and concealed 3.182. Them in the earth and guarded them in bonds. 3.183. And then the sons of powerful Cronos heard 3.184. And a great war and uproar they aroused. 3.185. 185 And this is the beginning of dire war 3.186. Among all mortals. [For it is indeed 3.187. With mortals the prime origin of war.] 3.188. And then did God award the Titans evil. 3.189. And all of Titans and of Cronos born 3.190. 190 Died. But then as time rolled around there rose 3.191. The Egyptian kingdom, then that of the Persian 3.192. And of the Medes, and Ethiopians 3.193. And of Assyria and Babylon 3.194. And then that of the Macedonians 3.195. 195 Egyptian yet again, then that of Rome. 3.196. And then a message of the mighty God 3.197. Was set within my breast, and it bade me 3.198. Proclaim through all earth and in royal heart 3.199. Plant things which are to be. And to my mind 3.200. 200 This God imparted first, bow many kingdom 3.201. Have been together gathered of mankind. 3.202. For first of all the house of Solomon 3.203. Shall include horsemen of Phœnicia 3.204. And Syria, and of the islands too 3.205. 205 And the race of Pamphylians and Persian 3.206. And Phrygians, Carians, and Mysian 3.207. And the race of the Lydians rich in gold. 3.208. And then shall Hellenes, proud and impure 3.209. Then shall a Macedonian nation rule 3.210. 210 Great, shrewd, who as a fearful cloud of war 3.211. Shall come to mortals. But the God of heaven 3.212. Shall utterly destroy them from the depth. 3.213. And then shall be another kingdom, white 3.214. And many-headed, from the western sea 3.215. 215 Which shall rule much land, and shake many men 3.216. And to all kings bring terror afterwards 3.217. And out of many cities shall destroy 3.218. Much gold and silver; but in the vast earth 3.219. There will again be gold, and silver too 3.220. 220 And ornament. And they will oppress mortals; 3.221. And to those men shall great disaster be 3.222. When they begin unrighteous arrogance. 3.223. And forthwith in them there shall be a force 3.224. of wickedness, male will consort with male 3.225. 225 And children they will place in dens of shame; 3.226. And in those days there shall be among men 3.227. A great affliction, and it shall disturb 3.228. All things, and break all things, and fill all thing 3.229. With evils by a shameful covetousness 3.230. 230 And by ill-gotten wealth in many lands 3.231. But most of all in Macedonia. 3.232. And it shall stir up hatred, and all guile 3.233. Shalt be with them even to the seventh kingdom 3.234. of which a king of Egypt shall be king 3.235. 235 Who shall be a descendant from the Greeks. 3.236. And then the nation of the mighty God 3.237. Shall be again strong and they shall be guide 3.238. of life to all men. But why did God place 3.239. This also in my mind to tell: what first 3.240. 240 And what next, and what evil last shall be 3.241. On all men? Which of these shall take the lead? 3.242. First on the Titans will God visit evil. 3.243. For they shall pay to mighty Cronos's son 3.244. The penal satisfaction, since they bound 3.245. 245 Both Cronos and the mother dearly loved. 3.246. Again shall there be tyrants for the Greek 3.247. And fierce kings overweening and impure 3.248. Adulterous and altogether bad; 3.249. And for men shall be no more rest from war. 3.250. 250 And the dread Phrygians shall perish all 3.251. And unto Troy shall evil come that day. 3.252. And to the Persians and Assyrian 3.253. Evil shall straightaway come, and to all Egypt 3.254. And Libya and the Ethiopians 3.255. 255 And to the Carians and Pamphylians– 3.256. Evil to pass from one place to another 3.257. And to all mortals. Why now one by one 3.258. Do I speak forth? But when the first receive 3.259. Fulfillment, then straightway shall come on men 3.260. 260 The second. So the very first I'll tell. 3.261. There shall an evil come to pious men 3.262. Who dwell by the great temple of Solomon 3.263. And who are progeny of righteous men. 3.264. Alike of all these also I will tell 3.265. 265 The tribe and line of fathers and homeland– 3.266. All things with care, O mortal shrewd in mind. 3.267. There is a city . . . on the earth 3.268. Ur of the Chaldees, whence there is a race 3.269. of men most righteous, to whom both good will 3.270. 270 And noble deeds have ever been a care. 3.271. For they have no concern about the course 3.272. of the sun's revolution, nor the moon's 3.273. Nor wondrous things beneath the earth, nor depth 3.274. of joy-imparting sea Oceanus 3.275. 275 Nor signs of sneezing, nor the wings of birds 3.276. Nor soothsayers, nor wizards, nor enchanters 3.277. Nor tricks of dull words of ventriloquists 3.278. Neither do they astrologize with skill 3.285. 285 Come many evils leading them astray 3.286. From good ways and just deeds. But they have care 3.287. For righteousness and virtue, and not greed 3.288. Which breeds unnumbered ills to mortal men 3.289. War and unending famine. But with them 3.290. 290 Just measure, both in fields and cities, holds 3.291. Nor steal they from each other in the night 3.292. Nor drive off herds of cattle, sheep, and goats 3.293. Nor neighbor remove landmarks of a neighbor 3.294. Nor any man of great wealth grieve the one 3.295. 295 Less favored, nor to widows cause distress 3.296. But rather aids them, ever helping them 3.297. With wheat and wine and oil; and always doe 3.298. The rich man in the country send a share 3.299. At the time of the harvests unto them 3.300. 300 That have not, but are needy, thus fulfilling 3.301. The saying of the mighty God, a hymn 3.302. In legal setting; for the Heavenly One 3.303. Finished the earth a common good for all. 3.304. Now when the people of twelve tribes depart 3.305. 305 From Egypt, and with leaders sent of God 3.306. Nightly pursue their way by a pillar of fire 3.307. And during all the day by one of cloud 3.308. For them then God a leader will appoint– 3.309. A great man, Moses, whom a princess found 3.310. 310 Beside a marsh, and carried off and reared 3.311. And called her son. And at the time he came 3.312. As leader for the people whom God led 3.313. From Egypt unto the. steel) Sinai mount 3.314. His own law God delivered them from heaven 3.315. 315 Writing on two flat stones all righteous thing 3.316. Which he enjoined to do; and if, perchance 3.317. One give no heed, he must unto the law 3.318. Make satisfaction, either at men's hand 3.319. Or, if men's notice he escape, he shall 3.320. 320 By ample satisfaction he destroyed. 3.321. [For the Heavenly finished earth a common good 3.322. For all, and in all hearts as best gift thought.] 3.323. A hundredfold from one, and thus complete 3.325. 325 God's measure. But to them shall also come 3.326. Misfortune, nor do they escape from plague. 3.327. And even thou, forsaking thy fair shrine 3.328. Shalt flee away when it becomes thy lot 3.329. To leave the holy land. And thou shalt be 3.330. 330 Carried to the Assyrians, and shalt see 3.331. Young children and wives serving hostile men; 3.332. And every means of life and wealth shall perish; 3.333. And every land shall be filled up with thee 3.334. And every sea; and everyone shall be 3.335. 335 offended with thy customs; and thy land 3.336. Shall all be desert; and the altar fenced 3.337. And temple of the great God and long wall 3.338. Shall all fall to the ground, since in thy heart 3.339. The holy law of the immortal God 3.340. 340 Thou didst not keep, but, erring, thou didst serve 3.341. Unseemly images, and didst not fear 3.342. The immortal Father, God of all mankind 3.343. Nor will to honor him; but image 3.344. of mortals thou didst honor Therefore now 3.345. 345 of time seven decades shall thy fruitful land 3.346. And the wonders of thy temple all be waste. 3.347. But there remains for thee a goodly end 3.348. And greatest glory, as the immortal God 3.349. Granted thee. But do thou wait and confide 3.350. 350 In the great God's pure laws, when he shall lift 3.351. Thy wearied knee upright unto the light. 3.352. And then will God from heaven send a king 3.353. To judge each man in blood and light of fire. 3.354. There is a royal tribe, the race of which 3.355. 355 Shall be unfailing; and as times revolve 3.356. This race shall bear rule and begin to build 3.357. God's temple new. And all the Persian king 3.358. Shall aid with bronze and gold and well-wrought iron. 3.359. For God himself will give the holy dream 3.360. 360 By night. And then the temple shall again 3.361. Be, as it was before. . . . 3.362. Now when my soul had rest from inspired song 3.363. And I prayed the great Father for a rest 3.364. From constraint; even in my heart again 3.365. 365 Was set a message of the mighty God 3.366. And he bade me proclaim through all the earth 3.367. And plant in royal minds things yet to be. 3.368. And in my mind God put this first to say 3.369. How many lamentable suffering 3.370. 370 The Immortal purposed upon Babylon 3.371. Because she his great temple had destroyed. 3.372. Alas, alas for thee! O Babylon 3.373. And for the offspring of the Assyrian men! 3.374. Through all the earth the rush of sinful men 3.375. 375 Shall some time come, and shout of mortal men 3.376. And stroke of the great God, who inspires songs 3.377. Shall ruin every land. For high in air to thee 3.378. O Babylon, shall it come from above 3.379. And out of heaven from holy ones to thee 3.380. 380 Shall it come down, and the soul in thy children 3.381. Shall the Eternal utterly destroy. 3.382. And then shalt thou be, as thou wast before 3.383. As one not born; and then shalt thou be filled 3.384. Again with blood, as thou thyself before 3.385. 385 Didst shed that of good, just, and holy men 3.386. Whose blood yet cries out to the lofty heaven. 3.387. To thee, O Egypt, shall a great blow come 3.388. And dreadful, to thy homes, which thou didst hope 3.389. Might never fall on thee. For through thy midst 3.390. 390 A sword shall pass, and scattering and death 3.391. And famine shall prevail until of king 3.392. The seventh generation, and then cease. 3.393. Alas for thee, O land of Gog and Magog 3.394. In the midst of the rivers of Ethiopia! 3.395. 395 What pouring out of blood shalt thou receive 3.396. And house of judgment among men be called 3.397. And thy land of much dew shall drink black blood! 3.398. Alas for thee, O Libya, and alas 3.399. Both sea and land! O daughters of the west 3.400. 400 So shall ye come unto a bitter day. 3.401. And ye shall come pursued by grievous strife 3.402. Dreadful and grievous; there shall be again 3.403. A dreadful judgment, and ye all shall come 3.404. By force unto destruction, for ye tore 3.405. 405 In pieces the great house of the Immortal 3.406. And with iron teeth ye chewed it dreadfully. 3.407. Therefore shalt thou then look upon thy land 3.408. Full of the dead, some of them fallen by war 3.409. And by the demon of all violence 3.410. 410 Famine and plague, and some by barbarous foes. 3.411. And all thy land shall be a wilderness 3.412. And desolations shall thy cities be. 3.413. And in the west there shall a star shine forth 3.414. Which they will call a comet, sign to men 3.415. 415 of the sword and of famine and of death 3.416. And murder of great leaders and chief men. 3.417. And yet again there shall be among men 3.418. Greatest signs; for deep-eddying Tanai 3.419. Shall leave Mæotis's lake, and there shall be 3.420. 420 Down the deep stream a fruitful, furrow's track 3.421. And the vast flow shall hold a neck of land. 3.422. And there are hollow chasms and yawning pits; 3.423. And many cities, men and all, shall fall:– 3.424. In Asia–Iassus, Cebren, Pandonia 3.425. 425 Colophon, Ephesus, Nicæa, Antioch 3.426. Syagra, Sinope, Smyrna, Myrina 3.427. Most happy Gaza, Hierapolis, . 3.428. Astypalaia; and in Europe–Tanagra 3.429. Clitor, Basilis, Meropeia, Antigone 3.430. 430 Magnessa, Mykene, Oiantheia. 3.431. Know then that the destructive race of Egypt 3.432. Is near destruction, and the past year then 3.433. Is better for the Alexandrians. 3.434. As much of tribute as Rome did receive 3.435. 435 of Asia, even thrice as many good 3.436. Shall Asia back again from Rome receive 3.437. And her destructive outrage pay her back. 3.438. As many as from Asia ever served 3.439. A house of the Italians, twenty time 3.440. 440 As many Italians shall in Asia serve 3.441. In poverty, and numerous debts incur. 3.442. O virgin, soft rich child of Latin Rome 3.443. oft at thy much-remembered marriage feast 3.444. Drunken with wine, now shalt thou be a slave 3.445. 445 And wedded in no honorable way. 3.446. And oft shall mistress shear thy pretty hair 3.447. And wreaking satisfaction cast thee down 3.448. From heaven to earth, and from the earth again 3.449. Raise thee to heaven, for mortals of low rank 3.450. 450 And of unrighteous life are held fast bound. 3.451. And of avenging Smyrna overthrown 3.452. There shall be no thought, but by evil plan 3.453. And wickedness of them that have command 3.454. Shall Samos be sand, Delos shall be dull 3.455. 455 And Rome a room; but the decrees of God 3.456. Shall all of them be perfectly fulfilled. 3.457. And a calm peace to Asian land shall go. 3.458. And Europe shall be happy then, well fed 3.459. Pure air, full of years, strong, and undisturbed 3.460. 460 By wintry storms and hail, bearing, all things 3.461. Even birds and creeping things and beasts of earth. 3.462. O happy upon earth shall that man be 3.463. Or woman; what a home unspeakable 3.464. of happy ones! For from the starry heaven 3.465. 465 Shall all good order come upon mankind 3.466. And justice, and the prudent unity 3.467. Which of all things is excellent for men 3.468. And kindness, confidence, and love of guests; 3.469. But far from them shall lawlessness depart 3.470. 470 Blame, envy, wrath, and folly; poverty 3.471. Shall flee away from men, and force shall flee 3.472. And murder, baneful strifes and bitter feuds 3.473. And theft, and every evil in those days. 3.474. But Macedonia shall to Asia bear 3.475. 475 A grievous suffering, and the greatest sore 3.476. To Europe shall spring up from Cronian stock 3.477. A family of bastards and of slaves. 3.478. And she shall tame fenced city Babylon 3.479. And of each land the sun looks down upon 3.480. 480 Call herself mistress, and then come to naught 3.481. By ruinous misfortunes, having fame 3.482. In later generations distant far. 3.483. And sometime into Asia's prosperous land 3.484. Shall come a man unheard of, shoulder-clad 3.485. 485 With purple robe, fierce, unjust, fiery; 3.485. 485 Do not delay and loiter, but do thou 3.486. And this man he who wields the thunderbolt 3.486. Tossed to and fro, turn and propitiate God. 3.487. Roused forwards; and all Asia shall sustain 3.487. offer to God Your hecatombs of bull 3.488. An evil yoke, and her soil wet with rain 3.488. And firstling lambs and goats, as times revolve. 3.489. Shall drink much murder. But even so shall Hade 3.489. But him propitiate, the immortal God 3.490. 490 Destroy the unknown king; and that man's offspring 3.490. 490 If haply he show mercy. For he i 3.491. Shall forthwith perish by the race of those 3.491. The only God, and other there is none. 3.492. Whose offspring he himself would fain destroy; 3.492. And honor justice and oppress no man. 3.493. Producing one root which the bane of men 3.493. For these things the Immortal doth enjoin 3.494. Shall cut from ten horns, and plant by their side 3.494. On miserable men. But do thou heed 3.495. 495 Another plant. A father purple-clad 3.496. Shall cut a warlike father off, and Ares 3.497. Baneful and hostile, by a grandson's hand 3.498. Shall himself perish; and then shall the horn 3.499. Planted beside them forthwith bear the rule. 3.500. 500 And unto life-sustaining Phrygia 3.501. Straightway shall there a certain token be 3.502. When Rhea's blood-stained race, in the great earth 3.503. Blooming perennial in impervious roots 3.504. Shall, root and branch, in one night disappear 3.505. 505 With a city, men and all, of the Earth-shaker 3.506. Poseidon; which place they shall sometime call 3.507. Dorylæum, of dark ancient Phrygia 3.508. Much-bewailed. Therefore shall that time be called 3.509. Earth-shaker; dens of earth shall he break up 3.510. 510 And walls demolish. And not signs of good 3.511. But a beginning of evil shall be made; 3.512. The baneful violence of general war 3.513. Ye'll have, sons of Æneas, Dative blood 3.514. of Ilus from the soil. But afterward 3.515. 515 A spoil shalt thou become for greedy men. 3.516. O Ilium, I pity thee; for there shall bloom 3.517. In Sparta an Erinys very fair 3.518. Ever-famed, noblest scion, and shall leave 3.519. On Asia and Europe a wide-spreading wave; 3.520. 520 But to thee most of all she'll bear and cause 3.521. Wailings and toils and groans; but there shall be 3.522. Undying fame with those who are to come. 3.523. And there shall be an aged mortal then 3.524. False writer and of doubtful native land; 3.525. 525 And in his eyes the light shall fade away; 3.526. Large mind and verses measured with great skill 3.527. Shall he have and be blended with two names 3.528. Shall call himself a Chian and shall write 3.529. of Ilium, not truthfully, indeed 3.530. 530 But skillfully; for of my verse and meter 3.531. He will be master; for he first my book 3.532. Will open with his hands; but he himself 3.533. Will much embellish helmed chiefs of war 3.534. Hector of Priam and Achilles, son 3.535. 535 of Peleus, and the others who have care 3.536. For warlike deeds. And also by their side 3.537. Will he make gods stand, empty-headed men 3.538. False-writing every way. And it shall be 3.539. Glory the rather, widely spread, for them 3.540. 540 To die at Ilium; but he himself 3.541. Shall also works of recompense receive. 3.542. Also to Lycia shall a Locrian race 3.543. Cause many evils. And thee, Chalcedon 3.544. Holding by lot a strait of narrow sea 3.545. 545 Shall an Ætolian youth sometime despoil. 3.546. Cyzicus, also thy vast wealth the sea 3.547. Shall break off. And, Byzantium of Ares 3.548. Thou some time shalt by Asia be laid waste 3.549. And also groans and blood immeasurable 3.550. 550 Shalt thou receive. And Cragus, lofty mount 3.551. of Lycia, from thy peaks by yawning chasm 3.552. of opened rock shall babbling water flow 3.553. Until even Patara's oracles shall cease. 3.554. O Cyzicus, that dwellest by Proponti 3.555. 555 The wine-producing, round thee Rhyndacu 3.556. Shall crash the crested billow. And thou, Rhodes 3.557. Daughter of day, shalt long be unenslaved 3.558. And great shall be thy happiness hereafter 3.559. And on the sea thy power shall be supreme. 3.560. 560 But afterwards a spoil shalt thou become 3.561. For greedy men, and put upon thy neck 3.562. By beauty and by wealth a fearful yoke. 3.563. A Lydian earthquake shall again despoil 3.564. The power of Persia, and most horribly 3.565. 565 Shall the people of Europe and Asia suffer pain. 3.566. And Sidon's hurtful king with battle-din 3.567. Dreadful shall work a mournful overthrow 3.568. To the seafaring Samians. On the soil 3.569. Shall slain men's dark blood babble to the sea; 3.570. 570 And wives together with the noble bride 3.571. Shall their outrageous insolence lament 3.572. Some for their bridegrooms, some for fallen sons. 3.573. O sign of Cyprus, may an earthquake waste 3.574. Thy phalanxes away, and many soul 3.575. 575 With one accord shall Hades bold in charge. 3.576. And Trallis near by Ephesus, and wall 3.577. Well made, and very precious wealth of men 3.578. Shall be dissolved by earthquake; and the land 3.579. Shall burst out with hot water; and the earth 3.580. 580 Shall swallow down those who are by the fire 3.581. And stench of brimstone heavily oppressed. 3.582. And Samos shall in time build royal houses. 3.583. But to thee, Italy, no foreign war 3.584. Shall come, but lamentable tribal blood 3.585. 585 Not easily exhausted, much renowned 3.586. Shall make thee, impudent one, desolate. 3.587. And thou thyself beside hot ashes stretched 3.588. As thou in thine own heart didst not foresee 3.589. Shalt slay thyself. And thou shalt not of men 3.590. 590 Be mother, but a nurse of beasts of prey. 3.591. But when from Italy shall come a man 3.592. A spoiler, then, Laodicea, thou 3.593. Beautiful city of the Carian 3.594. By Lycus's wondrous water, falling prone 3.595. 595 Shalt weep in silence for thy boastful sire. 3.596. Thracian Crobyzi shall rise up on Hæmus. 3.597. Chatter of teeth to the Campanians come 3.598. Because of wasting famine; Corsica 3.599. Weeps her old father, and Sardinia 3.600. 600 Shall by great storms of winter and the stroke 3.601. of a holy God sink down in ocean depths 3.602. Great wonder to the of the sea. 3.603. Alas, alas, how many virgin maid 3.604. Will Hades wed, and of as many youth 3.605. 605 Will the deep take without funeral rites! 3.606. Alas, alas, the helpless little one 3.607. And the vast riches swimming in the sea! 3.608. O happy land of Mysians, suddenly 3.609. A royal race shall be formed. Truly now 3.610. 610 Not for a long time shall Chalcedon be. 3.610. 610 Woe, woe to thee, O Thrace! So shalt thou come 3.611. And there shall be a very bitter grief 3.611. Beneath a servile yoke, when the Galatian 3.612. To the Galatians. And to Tenedo 3.612. United with the sons of Dardanu 3.613. Shall there a last but greatest evil come. 3.613. Rush on to ravage Hellas, thine shall be 3.614. And Sicyon, with strong yells, and Corinth, thou 3.614. The evil; and unto a foreign land 3.615. 615 Shalt boast o'er all, but flute shall sound like strain. 3.616. . . . . . . . Now, when my soul had. rest from inspired song. 3.617. Even again within my heart was set 3.618. A message of the mighty God, and he 3.619. Commanded me to prophesy on earth. 3.620. 620 Woe, woe to the race of Phœnician men 3.621. And women, and all cities by the sea; 3.622. Not one of you shall in the common light 3.623. Abide before the shining of the sun 3.624. Nor of life shall there any longer be 3.625. 625 Number and tribe, because of unjust speech 3.626. And lawless life impure which they lived 3.627. Opening a mouth impure, and fearful word 3.628. Deceitful and unrighteous forth 3.629. And stood against the God, the King 3.630. 630 And opened loathsome month deceitfully 3.631. Therefore may he subdue them terribly 3.632. By strokes o'er all the earth, and bitter fate 3.633. Shall God send on them burning from the ground. 3.634. Cities and of the cities the foundations. 3.635. 635 Woe, woe to thee, O Crete! To thee shall come 3.636. A very painful stroke, and terribly 3.637. Shall the Eternal sack thee; and again 3.638. Shall every land behold thee black with smoke 3.639. Fire ne'er shall leave thee, but thou shalt be burned. 3.645. 645 Much shalt thou give, not anything receive. 3.646. Woe to thee, Gog and Magog, and to all 3.647. One after another, Mardians and Daians; 3.648. How many evils fate, shall bring on thee! 3.649. Woe also to the soil of Lycia 3.650. 650 And those of Mysia and Phrygia. 3.651. And many nations of Pamphylians 3.652. And Lydians, Carians, Cappadocians 3.653. And Ethiopian and Arabian men 3.654. of a strange tongue shall fall. How now may I 3.655. 655 of each speak fitly? For on all the nation 3.656. Which dwell on earth the Highest shall send dire plague. 3.657. When now again a barbarous nation come 3.658. Against the Greeks it shall slay many head 3.659. of chosen men; and they shall tear in piece 3.660. 660 Many fat flocks of sheep of men, and herd 3.661. of horses and of mules and lowing kine; 3.662. And well-made houses shall they burn with fire 3.663. Lawlessly; and unto a foreign land 3.664. Shall they by force lead many slaves away 3.665. 665 And children, and deep-girded women soft 3.666. From bridal chambers creeping on before 3.667. With delicate feet; and they shall be bound fast 3.668. With fetters by their foes of foreign tongue 3.669. Suffering all fearful outrage; and to them 3.670. 670 There shall not be one to supply the toil 3.671. of battle and come to their help in life. 3.672. And they shall see their goods and all their wealth 3.673. Enrich the enemy; and there shall be 3.674. A trembling of the knees. And there shall fly 3.675. 675 A hundred, and one shall destroy them all; 3.676. And five shall rout a mighty company; 3.677. But they, among themselves mixed shamefully 3.678. Shall by war and dire tumult bring delight 3.679. To enemies, but sorrow to the Greeks. 3.680. 680 And then upon all Hellas there shall be 3.681. A servile yoke; and war and pestilence 3.682. Together shall upon all mortals come. 3.683. And God will make the mighty heaven on high 3.684. Like brass and over all the earth a drought 3.685. 685 And earth itself like iron. And thereupon 3.686. Shall mortals all lament the barrenne 3.687. And lack of cultivation; and on earth 3.688. Shall he set, who created heaven and earth 3.689. A much-distressing fire; and of all men 3.690. 690 The third part only shall thereafter be. 3.691. O Greece, why hast thou trusted mortal men 3.692. As leaders, who cannot escape from death? 3.693. And wherefore bringest thou thy foolish gift 3.694. Unto the dead and sacrifice to idols? 3.695. 695 Who put the error in thy heart to do 3.696. These things and leave the face of God the mighty? 3.697. Honor the All-Father's name, and let it not 3.698. Escape thee. It is now a thousand years 3.699. Yea, and five hundred more, since haughty king 3.700. 700 Ruled o'er the Greeks, who first to mortal men 3.701. Introduced evils, setting up for worship 3.702. Images many of gods that are dead 3.703. Because of which ye were taught foolish thoughts. 3.704. But when the anger of the mighty God 3.705. 705 Shall come upon you, then ye'll recognize 3.706. The face of God the mighty. And all soul 3.707. of men, with mighty groaning lifting up 3.708. Their hands to the broad heaven, shall begin 3.709. To call the great King helper, and to seek 3.710. 710 The rescuer from great wrath who is to be. 3.711. But come and learn this and store in your hearts 3.712. What troubles in the rolling years shall come. 3.713. And what as whole burnt-offering Hellas brought 3.714. of cows and bellowing bulls unto the temple 3.715. 715 of the great God, she from ill-sounding war 3.716. And fear and pestilence shall flee away 3.717. And from the servile yoke escape again. 3.718. But until that time there shall be a race 3.719. of godless men, even when that fated day 3.720. 720 Shall reach its end. For offering to God 3.721. Ye should not make till all things come to pass 3.722. Which God alone shall purpose not in vain 3.723. To be all fulfilled; and strong force shall urge. 3.724. And there shall be again a holy race 3.725. 725 of godly men who, keeping to the counsel 3.726. And mind of the Most High, shall honor much 3.727. The great God's temple with drink-offerings 3.728. Burnt-offerings, and holy hecatombs 3.729. With sacrifices of fat bulls, choice rams 3.730. 730 Firstlings of sheep and the fat thighs of lambs 3.731. Sacredly offering whole burnt-offering 3.732. On the great altar. And in righteousness 3.733. Having obtained the law of the Most High 3.734. Blest shall they dwell in cities and rich fields. 3.735. 735 And prophets shall be set on high for them 3.736. By the Immortal, bringing great delight 3.737. Unto all mortals. For to them alone 3.738. The mighty God his gracious counsel gave 3.739. And faith and noblest thought within their hearts; 3.740. 740 They have not by vain things been led astray 3.741. Nor pay they honor to the works of men 3.742. Made of gold, brass, silver, and ivory 3.743. Nor statues of dead gods of wood and stone 3.744. [Besmeared clay, figures of the painter's art] 3.745. 745 And all that empty-minded mortals will; 3.746. But they lift up their pure arms unto heaven 3.747. Rise from the couch at daybreak, always hand 3.748. With water cleanse, and honor only Him 3.749. Who is immortal and who ever rules 3.750. 750 And then their parents; and above all men 3.751. Do they respect the lawful marriage-bed; 3.752. And they have not base intercourse with boys 3.753. As do Phœnicians, Latins, and Egyptian 3.754. And spacious Greece, and nations many more 3.755. 755 of Persians and Galatians and all Asia 3.756. Transgressing the immortal God's pure law 3.757. Which they were under. Therefore on all men 3.758. Will the Immortal put bane, famine, pains 3.759. Groans, war, and pestilence and mournful woes; 3.760. 760 Because they would not honor piously 3.761. The immortal Sire of all men, but revered 3.762. And worshiped idols made with hands, which thing 3.763. Mortals themselves will cast down and for shame 3.764. Conceal in clefts of rocks, when a young king 3.765. 765 The seventh of Egypt, shall rule his own land 3.766. Reckoned from the dominion of the Greeks 3.767. Which countless Macedonian men shall rule; 3.768. And there shall come from Asia a great king 3.769. fiery eagle, who with foot and horse 3.770. 770 Shall cover all the land, cut up all things 3.771. And fill all things with evils; he will cast 3.772. The Egyptian kingdom down; and taking off 3.773. All its possessions carry them away 3.774. Over the spacious surface of the sea. 3.775. 775 And then shall they before, the mighty God 3.776. The King immortal, bend the fair white knee 3.777. On the much-nourishing earth; and all the work 3.778. Made with hands shall fall by a flame of fire. 3.779. And then will God bestow great joy on men; 3.780. 780 For land and trees and countless flocks of sheep 3.781. Their genuine fruit to men shall offer–wine 3.782. And the sweet honey, and white milk, and wheat 3.783. Which is for mortals of all things the best. 3.784. But thou, O mortal full of various wiles 3.795. 795 The cause of the wrath of the mighty God 3.796. When on all mortals there shall come the height 3.797. of pestilence and conquered they shall meet 3.798. A fearful judgment, and king shall seize king 3.799. And wrest his land away, and nations bring 3.800. 800 Ruin on nations and lords plunder tribes 3.801. And chiefs all flee into another land 3.802. And the land change its men, and foreign rule 3.803. Ravage all Hellas and drain the rich land. 3.804. of its wealth, and to strife among themselve 3.805. 805 Because of gold and silver they shall come– 3.806. The love of gain an evil shepherde 3.807. Will be for cities–in a foreign land. 3.809. And vultures and wild beasts of earth shall spoil 3.810. 810 Their flesh; and when these things are brought to pass 3.811. Vast earth shall waste the relics of the dead. 3.812. And all unsown shall it be and unplowed 3.813. Proclaiming sad the filth of men defiled 3.814. Many lengths of time in the revolving years 3.815. 815 And shields and javelins and all sorts of arms; 3.816. Nor shall the forest wood be cut for fire. 3.817. And then shall God send from the East a king 3.818. Who shall make all earth cease from evil war 3.819. Killing some, others binding with strong oaths. 3.820. 820 And he will not by his own counsels do 3.821. All these things, but obey the good decree 3.822. of God the mighty. And with goodly wealth 3.823. With gold and silver and purple ornament 3.824. The temple of the mighty God again 3.825. 825 Shall be weighed down; and the full-bearing earth 3.826. And the sea shall be filled full of good things. 3.827. And kings against each other shall begin 3.828. To hold ill will, in heart abetting evils. 3.829. Envy is not a good to wretched men. 4.6. And further falsified by calling seer; 4.7. But of the mighty God, whom hands of men 4.8. Formed not like speechless idols carved of stone. 4.9. For he has not for his abode a stone 4.10. 10 Most dumb and toothless to a temple drawn 4.11. of immortals a dishonor very sore; 4.18. of springs perennial, creatures meant for life 4.19. And rains at once producing fruit of field 4.20. 20 And tree and vine and oil. This God a whip 4.21. Struck through my heart within to make me tell 4.22. Truly to men what things have now befallen 4.23. And how much shall befall them yet again 4.24. From the first generation to the eleventh; 4.25. 25 For he himself by bringing them to pa 4.26. Will prove all things. But do thou in all things 4.27. O people, to the Sibyl give all ear 4.28. Who pours from hallowed mouth a truthful voice. 4.29. Blessed of men shall they be on the earth 4.30. 30 As many as shall love the mighty God 4.31. offering him praise before they drink and eat; 4.32. Trusting in piety. When they behold 4.33. Temples and altars, figures of dumb stones 4.34. [Stone images and statues made with hands] 4.35. 35 Polluted with the blood of living thing 4.36. And sacrifices of four-footed beasts 4.37. They will reject them all; and they will look 4.38. To the great glory of one God and not 4.39. Commit presumptuous murder nor dispose 4.49. For slow is the whole race of human kind 4.50. 50 To believe. But when judgment of the world 4.51. And mortals comes which God himself shall bring 4.52. Judging at once the impious and the pious 4.53. Then indeed shall he send the ungodly back 4.54. To lower darkness [and then they shall know 4.55. 55 How much impiety they wrought]; but the piou 4.56. Shall still remain upon the fruitful land 4.57. God giving to them breath and life and grace. 4.58. But these things all in the tenth generation 4.59. Shall come to pass; and now what things shall be 4.60. 60 From the first generation, those I'll tell. 4.61. First over all mortal shall Assyrians rule 4.62. And for six generations hold the power 4.63. of the world, from the time the God of heaven 4.64. Being wroth against the cities and all men 4.65. 65 Sea with a bursting deluge covered earth. 4.66. Them shall the Medes o'erpower, but on the throne 4.67. For two generations only shall exult; 4.68. In which times those events shall come to pass: 4.69. Dark night shall come at the mid hour of day 4.75. 75 But when the great Euphrates shall with blood 4.76. Be surging, then shall there be also set 4.77. Between the Medes and Persians dreadful strife 4.78. In battle; and the, Medes shall fall and fly 4.79. 'Neath Persian spears beyond the mighty water 4.80. 80 of Tigris. And the Persian power shall be 4.81. Greatest in all the world, and they shall have 4.82. One generation of most prosperous rule. 4.83. And there shall be as many evil deed 4.84. As men shall wish away–the din of war 4.85. 85 And murders, and disputes, and banishments 4.86. And overthrow of towers and waste of cities 4.87. When Hellas very glorious shall sail 4.88. Over broad Hellespont, and shall convey 4.89. To Phrygia sorrow and to Asia doom. 4.90. 90 And unto Egypt, land of many furrows 4.91. Shall sorry famine come, and barrenne 4.92. Shall during twenty circling years prevail 4.93. What time the Nile, corn-nourisher, shall hide 4.94. His dark wave somewhere underneath the earth. 4.95. 95 And there shall come from Asia a great king 4.96. Bearing a spear, with ships innumerable 4.97. And he shall walk the wet paths of the deep 4.98. And shall sail after he has cut the mount 4.99. of lofty summit; him a fugitive 4.100. 100 From battle fearful Asia shall receive. 4.101. And Sicily the wretched shall a stream 4.107. And fighting make an end of many men; 4.108. But equally balanced is the strife with both. 4.109. But, when the race of mortal men shall come 4.110. 110 To the tenth generation, also then 4.111. Upon thc Persians shall a servile yoke 4.112. And terror be. But when the Macedonian 4.113. Shall boast the scepter there shall be for Thebe 4.116. And Babylon, great to see but small to fight 4.127. And Delos visible no more, but thing 4.130. 130 The Macedonian power shall not abide; 4.131. But from the west a great Italian war 4.132. Shall flourish, under which the world shall bear 4.133. A servile yoke and the Italians serve. 4.134. And thou, O wretched Corinth, thou shalt look 4.145. 145 When sometime the dark water of the sea 4.146. With thunders and earthquakes shall stop the din 4.147. of Patara for its impieties. 4.148. Also for thee, Armenia, there remain 4.165. 165 Shall destruction on their great broad land. 4.173. And small drops like red earth shall fall from heaven 4.174. Then know the anger of the God of heaven 4.175. 175 For that they without reason shall destroy 4.176. The nation of the pious. And then strife 4.177. Awakened of war shall come to the West 4.178. Shall also come the fugitive of Rome 4.179. Bearing a great spear, having marched acro 4.180. 180 Euphrates with his many myriads. 4.181. O wretched Antioch, they shall call thee 4.182. No more a city when around their spear 4.183. Because of thine own follies thou shalt fall. 4.184. And then on Scyros shall a pestilence 4.185. 185 And dreadful battle-din destruction bring. 4.186. Alas, alas! O wretched Cyprus, thee 4.187. Shall a broad wave of the sea cover, thee 4.188. Tossed on high by the whirling stormy winds. 4.189. And into Asia there shall come great wealth 4.190. 190 Which Rome herself once, plundering, put away 4.191. In her luxurious homes; and twice as much 4.192. And more shall she to Asia render back 5.14. To Ares dear, and after the young babes 5.34. Then shall one rule who has the initial sign 5.93. Immortal in the clouds. Where among men 5.94. Is now thy mighty pride? Because thou didst 5.95. 95 Against my God-anointed children rave 5.96. And didst urge evil forward on good men 5.97. Thou shalt for such things suffer penalty 5.108. Which have no speech, nor mind, nor power to hear; 5.109. Which things it is not right for me to mention 5.111. of their own labors and presumptuous thought 5.112. Did men receive gods made of wood and stone 5.113. And brass, and gold and silver, foolish too 5.114. Without life and dumb, molten in the fire 5.115. 115 They made them, vainly trusting such things. . . . 5.116. Thmois and Xois are in sore distress 5.117. And smitten is the hall of Heracle 5.118. And Zeus and Hermes (king). And as for thee 5.119. O Alexandria, famed nourisher 5.120. 120 (of cities) war shall not leave, nor (plague) . . . 5.121. For thy pride thou shalt pay as many thing 5.122. As thou before didst. Silent shalt thou be 5.123. A long age, and the day of thy return . . . 5.124. . . . . . . . 5.125. No more for thee shall flow luxurious drink . . . 5.125. 12 5 For there shall come a Persian on thy dale 5.126. . . . . . . . 5.126. And like hail shall he all the land destroy 5.127. And artful men, with blood and corpses. . . . 5.128. By sacred altars one of barbarous mind 5.129. Strong, full of blood and raging senselessly 5.130. 130 With countless numbers rushing to destruction. 5.131. And then shalt thou, in cities very rich 5.132. Be very weary. Falling on the earth 5.133. All Asia shall wail on account of gift 5.134. Crowning her head with which she was by thee 5.135. 135 Delighted. But, as he himself obtained 5.136. The Persian land by lot, he shall make war 5.137. And killing every man destroy all life 5.138. So that there shall remain for wretched mortal 5.139. A third part. But with nimble leap shall he 5.140. 140 Himself speed from the West, and all the land 5.141. Besiege and waste. But when he shall posse 5.142. The height of power and odious reverence 5.143. He shall come, wishing to destroy the city 5.144. Even of the blessed. And a certain king 5.145. 145 Sent forth from God against him shall destroy 5.146. All mighty kings and bravest men. And thu 5.147. Shall judgement by the Immortal come to men. 5.148. Alas, alas for thee, unhappy heart! 5.149. Why dost thou move me to declare these things 5.150. 150 The painful rule of Egypt over many? 5.151. Go to the East, to races of the Persian 5.152. Who lack in understanding, and show them 5.153. That which is now and that which is to be. 5.154. The river of Euphrates shall bring on 5.155. 155 A deluge, and it shall destroy the Persians 5.156. Iberians and Babylonian 5.157. And the Massagetæ that relish war 5.158. And trust in bows. All Asia fire-ablaze 5.159. Shall to the isles beam brightly. Pergamos 5.160. 160 Revered of old, shall perish from its base 5.161. And Pitane among men shall appear 5.162. All-desolate. All Lesbos shall sink deep 5.163. Into the deep, and thus shall be destroyed. 5.164. Smyrna, whirled down her cliffs, shall wail aloud 5.165. 165 She that was once revered and given a name 5.166. Shall perish utterly. Bithynian 5.167. Shall over their own country, then reduced 5.168. To ashes, wail, and o'er great Syria 5.169. And o'er Phœnicia that bas many tribes. 5.170. 170 Alas, alas for thee, O Lycia; 5.171. How many evils does the sea contrive 5.172. Against thee, mounting up of its own will 5.173. Upon the painful land! And it shall dash 5.174. With evil earthquake and with bitter stream 5.175. 175 On the rough Lycian land that once breathed perfume. 5.176. And there shall be for Phrygia fearful wrath 5.177. Because of sorrow for which Rhea came 5.178. Mother of Zeus, and there continued long. 5.214. From heaven into the dreadful sea and burn 5.215. 215 The vasty deep, and Babylon itself 5.216. And the land of Italy, because, of which 5.217. There perished many holy faithful men 5.218. Among the Hebrews and a people true. 5.219. Thou shalt be among evil mortals made 5.220. 220 To suffer evils, but thou shalt remain 5.221. All-desolate whole ages by thyself 5.222. Hating thy soil; for thou didst have desire 5.223. For sorcery, adulteries were with thee 5.224. And lawless carnal intercourse with boys 5.225. 225 Thou evil city, womanish, unjust 5.226. Ill-fated above all. Alas, alas! 5.227. Thou city of the Latin land, unclean 5.256. Would that I neither were nor had been born 5.361. With sacrifices of all kinds and prayer 5.362. Honored of God. All who endure the toil 5.363. of small affliction and the just shall have 5.364. More that is altogether beautiful; 5.365. 365 But the wicked, who to heaven sent lawless speech 5.366. Shall cease their speaking one against another 5.367. And hide themselves until the world be changed. 5.368. And there shall be a rain of gleaming fire 5.369. From the clouds; and no more shall mortals reap 5.370. 370 The fair corn from the earth; all things unsown 5.414. And foolish Cyme with her inspired stream 5.415. 415 Cast down by hands of godless men unjust 5.416. And lawless, shall to heaven not so much 5.417. As a word utter; but she shall remain |
23. Lactantius, Divine Institutes, 1.6 (3rd cent. CE - 4th cent. CE)
| 1.6. Now let us pass to divine testimonies; but I will previously bring forward one which resembles a divine testimony, both on account of its very great antiquity, and because he whom I shall name was taken from men and placed among the gods. According to Cicero, Caius Cotta the pontiff, while disputing against the Stoics concerning superstitions, and the variety of opinions which prevail respecting the gods, in order that he might, after the custom of the Academics, make everything uncertain, says that there were five Mercuries; and having enumerated four in order, says that the fifth was he by whom Argus was slain, and that on this account he fled into Egypt, and gave laws and letters to the Egyptians. The Egyptians call him Thoth; and from him the first month of their year, that is, September, received its name among them. He also built a town, which is even now called in Greek Hermopolis (the town of Mercury), and the inhabitants of Phen honour him with religious worship. And although he was a man, yet he was of great antiquity, and most fully imbued with every kind of learning, so that the knowledge of many subjects and arts acquired for him the name of Trismegistus. He wrote books, and those in great numbers, relating to the knowledge of divine things, in which be asserts the majesty of the supreme and only God, and makes mention of Him by the same names which we use - God and Father. And that no one might inquire His name, he said that He was without name, and that on account of His very unity He does not require the peculiarity of a name. These are his own words: God is one, but He who is one only does not need a name; for He who is self-existent is without a name. God, therefore, has no name, because He is alone; nor is there any need of a proper name, except in cases where a multitude of persons requires a distinguishing mark, so that you may designate each person by his own mark and appellation. But God, because He is always one, has no peculiar name. It remains for me to bring forward testimonies respecting the sacred responses and predictions, which are much more to be relied upon. For perhaps they against whom we are arguing may think that no credence is to be given to poets, as though they invented fictions, nor to philosophers, inasmuch as they were liable to err, being themselves but men. Marcus Varro, than whom no man of greater learning ever lived, even among the Greeks, much less among the Latins, in those books respecting divine subjects which he addressed to Caius C sar the chief pontiff, when he was speaking of the Quindecemviri, says that the Sibylline books were not the production of one Sibyl only, but that they were called by one name Sibylline, because all prophetesses were called by the ancients Sibyls, either from the name of one, the Delphian priestess, or from their proclaiming the counsels of the gods. For in the Æolic dialect they used to call the gods by the word Sioi, not Theoi; and for counsel they used the word bule, not boule;- and so the Sibyl received her name as though Siobule. But he says that the Sibyls were ten in number, and he enumerated them all under the writers, who wrote an account of each: that the first was from the Persians, and of her Nicanor made mention, who wrote the exploits of Alexander of Macedon;- the second of Libya, and of her Euripides makes mention in the prologue of the Lamia;- the third of Delphi, concerning whom Chrysippus speaks in that book which he composed concerning divination - the fourth a Cimmerian in Italy, whom N vius mentions in his books of the Punic war, and Piso in his annals - the fifth of Erythr a, whom Apollodorus of Erythr a affirms to have been his own countrywoman, and that she foretold to the Greeks when they were setting out for Ilium, both that Troy was doomed to destruction, and that Homer would write falsehoods;- the sixth of Samos, respecting whom Eratosthenes writes that he had found a written notice in the ancient annals of the Samians. The seventh was of Cum, by name Amalth a, who is termed by some Herophile, or Demophile, and they say that she brought nine books to the king Tarquinius Priscus, and asked for them three hundred philippics, and that the king refused so great a price, and derided the madness of the woman; that she, in the sight of the king, burnt three of the books, and demanded the same price for those which were left; that Tarquinias much more considered the woman to be mad; and that when she again, having burnt three other books, persisted in asking the same price, the king was moved, and bought the remaining books for the three hundred pieces of gold: and the number of these books was afterwards increased, after the rebuilding of the Capitol; because they were collected from all cities of Italy and Greece, and especially from those of Erythr a, and were brought to Rome, under the name of whatever Sibyl they were. Further, that the eighth was from the Hellespont, born in the Trojan territory, in the village of Marpessus, about the town of Gergithus; and Heraclides of Pontus writes that she lived in the times of Solon and Cyrus - the ninth of Phrygia, who gave oracles at Ancyra;- the tenth of Tibur, by name Albunea, who is worshipped at Tibur as a goddess, near the banks of the river Anio, in the depths of which her statue is said to have been found, holding in her hand a book. The senate transferred her oracles into the Capitol. The predictions of all these Sibyls are both brought forward and esteemed as such, except those of the Cum an Sibyl, whose books are concealed by the Romans; nor do they consider it lawful for them to be inspected by any one but the Quindecemviri. And there are separate books the production of each, but because these are inscribed with the name of the Sibyl they are believed to be the work of one; and they are confused, nor can the productions of each be distinguished and assigned to their own authors, except in the case of the Erythr an Sibyl, for she both inserted her own true name in her verse, and predicted that she would be called Erythr an, though she was born at Babylon. But we also shall speak of the Sibyl without any distinction, wherever we shall have occasion to use their testimonies. All these Sibyls, then, proclaim one God, and especially the Erythr an, who is regarded among the others as more celebrated and noble; since Fenestella, a most diligent writer, speaking of the Quindecemviri, says that, after the rebuilding of the Capitol, Caius Curio the consul proposed to the senate that ambassadors should be sent to Erythr to search out and bring to Rome the writings of the Sibyl; and that, accordingly, Publius Gabinius, Marcus Otacilius, and Lucius Valerius were sent, who conveyed to Rome about a thousand verses written out by private persons. We have shown before that Varro made the same statement. Now in these verses which the ambassadors brought to Rome, are these testimonies respecting the one God:- 1. One God, who is alone, most mighty, uncreated. This is the only supreme God, who made the heaven, and decked it with lights. 2. But there is one only God of pre-eminent power, who made the heaven, and sun, and stars, and moon, and fruitful earth, and waves of the water of the sea. And since He alone is the framer of the universe, and the artificer of all things of which it consists or which are contained in it, it testifies that He alone ought to be worshipped: - 3. Worship Him who is alone the ruler of the world, who alone was and is from age to age. Also another Sibyl, whoever she is, when she said that she conveyed the voice of God to men, thus spoke:- 4. I am the one only God, and there is no other God. I would now follow up the testimonies of the others, were it not that these are sufficient, and that I reserve others for more befitting opportunities. But since we are defending the cause of truth before those who err from the truth and serve false religions, what kind of proof ought we to bring forward against them, rather than to refute them by the testimonies of their own gods? |