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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Odes Of Solomon, 38

nanI went up into the light of Truth as into a chariot, and the Truth led me and caused me to come.,And caused me to pass over chasms and gulfs, and saved me from cliffs and valleys.,And became for me a haven of salvation, and set me on the place of immortal life.,And He went with me and caused me to rest and did not allow me to err; because He was and is the Truth.,And there was no danger for me because I constantly walked with Him; and I did not err in anything because I obeyed Him.,For Error fled from Him, and never met Him.,But Truth was proceeding on the upright way, and whatever I did not understand He exhibited to me:,All the poisons of error, and pains of death which are considered sweetness.,And the corrupting of the Corruptor, I saw when the bride who was corrupting was adorned, and the bridegroom who corrupts and is corrupted.,And I asked the Truth, Who are these? And He said to me: This is the Deceiver and the Error.,And they imitate the Beloved and His Bride, and they cause the world to err and corrupt it.,And they invite many to the wedding feast, and allow them to drink the wine of their intoxication;,So they cause them to vomit up their wisdom and their knowledge, and prepare for them mindlessness.,Then they abandon them; and so they stumble about like mad and corrupted men.,Since there is no understanding in them, neither do they seek it.,But I have been made wise so as not to fall into the hands of the Deceivers, and I myself rejoiced because the Truth had gone with me.,For I was established and lived and was redeemed, and my foundations were laid on account of the Lord's hand; because He has planted me.,For He set the root, and watered it and endowed it and blessed it, and its fruits will be forever.,It penetrated deeply and sprang up and spread out, and it was full and was enlarged.,And the Lord alone was glorified, in His planting and in His cultivation;,In His care and in the blessing of His lips, in the beautiful planting of His right hand;

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Subjects of this text:

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