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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Odes Of Solomon, 22

nanHe who caused me to descend from on high, and to ascend from the regions below;,And He who gathers what is in the Middle, and throws them to me;,He who scattered my enemies, and my adversaries;,He who gave me authority over bonds, so that I might unbind them;,He who overthrew by my hands the dragon with seven heads, and set me at his roots that I might destroy his seed;,You were there and helped me, and in every place Your name surrounded me.,Your right hand destroyed his evil venom, and Your hand leveled the Way for those who believe in You.,And It chose them from the graves, and separated them from the dead ones.,It took dead bones and covered them with flesh.,But they were motionless, so It gave them energy for life.,Incorruptible was Your way and Your face; You have brought Your world to corruption, that everything might be resolved and renewed.

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recapitulation' Osborne, Clement of Alexandria (2010) 125