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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Life Of Simon Stylites, 247

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Subjects of this text:

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alexandria, expulsion of jews from Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
avitus, attack on jews in jerusalem at sukkoth and Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
avitus, eudokia and Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
cyril (bishop of alexandria), anti-jewish treatises and homilies of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
cyril (bishop of alexandria), devotions to st. stephen and Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
eudokia, barsauma and Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
eudokia, devotion to st. stephen of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
eudokia, jews and Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
eudokia, pulcheria and Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
helena Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
judah (patriarch, son of hillel), judas kyriakos, story of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
nestorios Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
pulcheria, power struggles with eudokia and implications for jews of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
stephen (st.), anti-judaism of cult of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
stephen (st.), eudokias devotion to Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266
theodosios ii, eudokias marriage to' Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 266