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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Life Of Daniel The Stylite, 90.36

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aaron Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
atonement Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
chosen people Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
delphi Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
dreams Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
earth Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
eden/new eden Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
ezekiel Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
flesh Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
god, will of Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
inspiration Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
jew/jewish, literature/ authors Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
jew/jewish, palestinian Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
justice Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
law, god's" '151.0_214.0@life, israelite/jewish Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
literature Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
sin Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
spirit, characterizations as, breath (life itself) Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
spirit, modes of presence, indwelling Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
spirit, modes of presence, receiving of Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
temple' Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214
vocation Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 214