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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Joseph And Aseneth, 6.5

nanWhat can I hope for, wretch that I am? Have I not spoken, saying, Joseph is coming, the shepherd's son from the land of Canaan? And now, behold the sun is come to us from heaven in his chariot and has come into our house to-day.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

4 results
1. Anon., 1 Enoch, 49.2, 51.1 (3rd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)

49.2. For he is mighty in all the secrets of righteousness, And unrighteousness shall disappear as a shadow, And have no continuance; Because the Elect One standeth before the Lord of Spirits, And his glory is for ever and ever, And his might unto all generations. 51.1. And in those days shall the earth also give back that which has been entrusted to it, And Sheol also shall give back that which it has received, And hell shall give back that which it owes.
2. Philo of Alexandria, Allegorical Interpretation, 3.218-3.219 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

3. New Testament, 1 Corinthians, 15.4 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

15.4. that he was buried, that he wasraised on the third day according to the Scriptures
4. Anon., Joseph And Aseneth, 6.3, 6.7, 7.1, 7.4-7.6, 8.5-8.9, 11.7, 11.9-11.14, 11.16, 12.5, 12.8, 12.13-12.14, 15.4-15.5, 18.1, 18.11, 19.11, 20.9, 21.21, 22.3-22.10

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
abraham Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145; Marcar, Divine Regeneration and Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter: Mapping Metaphors of Family, Race, and Nation (2022) 85
alien/foreigner, jewish attitudes toward Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
appearances Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009) 334
egypt Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
god, representations of, creator Rogers, God and the Idols: Representations of God in 1 Corinthians 8-10 (2016) 35
hebrews/israelites, and egypt Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
identity as hybrid and malleable, in jewish perception Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
idol-food Rogers, God and the Idols: Representations of God in 1 Corinthians 8-10 (2016) 35
idolatry, action Rogers, God and the Idols: Representations of God in 1 Corinthians 8-10 (2016) 35
idolatry, in joseph and aseneth Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
idols, lifeless Rogers, God and the Idols: Representations of God in 1 Corinthians 8-10 (2016) 35
idols, manmade Rogers, God and the Idols: Representations of God in 1 Corinthians 8-10 (2016) 35
isaac Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
jacob Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
jews/judeans/ioudaioi, and ethnicity in post-biblical texts Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
jews/judeans/ioudaioi, and idolatry Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
jews/judeans/ioudaioi, in joseph and aseneth Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
joseph and aseneth Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
lineage and genealogy as identity marker, irrelevant for joseph and aseneth Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
pauline texts Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009) 334
recognition Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009) 334
resurrection Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009) 334
sarah Marcar, Divine Regeneration and Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter: Mapping Metaphors of Family, Race, and Nation (2022) 85
splendour Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009) 334
transform' Seim and Okland, Metamorphoses: Resurrection, Body and Transformative Practices in Early Christianity (2009) 334
values/character as identity marker, for joseph and aseneth Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145
worship/ritual/cult as identity markers, for jews Gruen, Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did it matter (2020) 145