acts of the apostles |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 407 |
adjuration |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244 |
akiva |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 266, 267, 268, 270, 278, 404, 406, 407, 517 |
angel |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 188, 208, 209 |
angels |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 266, 268, 404, 406 |
ascent to heaven |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 266, 268, 270, 404, 406, 407 |
body |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187, 208 |
boundaries |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177 |
communion with the divine world, concealment, see hiddenness |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 407 |
contact |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 179, 180, 187 |
creation, creator |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 406, 407 |
crown |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 188 |
danger |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187 |
death |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187 |
descent |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187, 189 |
destruction |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 187, 189, 208 |
divine name, tetragrammaton |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 406 |
ecstasy |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 178 |
elior, r. |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 267, 268 |
enoch |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177 |
ezekiel |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 270 |
fire |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 188, 208 |
four who entered pardes, the story of the |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 268, 407 |
gamaliel |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 407 |
gatekeepers, heavenly |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 404 |
glory/glory |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 189 |
hagigah, tractate in mishna, tosefta and talmud |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 266, 267 |
hai gaon b sherira |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 266, 267, 268 |
halperin, d. |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 266 |
hayyot |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 208, 209; Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 270, 404, 407 |
heaven |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 178, 179, 180, 187, 188, 189, 208 |
heavenly hymns |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 266, 268 |
hekhalot |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 178, 179, 180, 187, 188, 189, 208, 209; Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 244, 266, 404, 517 |
hekhalot zutarti |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 266, 267, 268, 270, 278, 404 |
hiddenness |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 406, 517 |
holy of holies |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 404, 407 |
isaiah, book of |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 406, 517 |
israel |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 189 |
jerusalem |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187 |
knowledge |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 270 |
maase merkava |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 407, 517 |
merkava xiii–xvi, xix |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 244, 266, 270, 278, 406, 407 |
metatron |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177 |
mimesis |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 189 |
moses |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 179, 189, 209; Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 406, 407, 517 |
mystery |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 406, 407, 517 |
mysticism |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 244 |
name (divine) |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 180 |
names, divine, barbara |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 270, 278, 407 |
nehunya ben hakanah |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 268 |
paradise, pardes, entered pardes |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 244, 268, 270, 278, 406, 407 |
paradise |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 179 |
pargod |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 208 |
paul |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 404, 406, 407 |
power, power of god, powers |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 517 |
prayer |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 267 |
purity |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187 |
rashi |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 266 |
ritual |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 180 |
scholem, gershom |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 266 |
schäfer, p. |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 266, 267, 268, 406 |
secrecy |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 270 |
seventh heaven |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 404 |
shiur koma |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 270, 406, 407, 517 |
sinai |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177 |
song of songs |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 407, 517 |
temple |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187; Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 404, 406, 407 |
theurgy |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 244, 517 |
third heaven |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 404 |
throne, enthroned |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 270, 278, 404, 406 |
throne |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 179, 180, 188, 189, 208 |
torah |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 177, 187 |
transformation |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 278 |
union/unification |
Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 187 |
vision |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 233, 244, 266, 270, 278, 406, 407 |
vision of merkava |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 270 |
worship |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 406, 407, 517 |
youth, description of angel' |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 517 |