aaron (biblical) |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
abyss, pit of the |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
amalek/amalekites |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
antitheses, marcions |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 288 |
barnabas, epistle of |
Kessler, Bound by the Bible: Jews, Christians and the Sacrifice of Isaac (2004) 26 |
barnabas, letter of |
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000) 151 |
birkat ha-minim |
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000) 151 |
christianity, early history |
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000) 151 |
confession |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
cross, victorious |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
culture, cultural affiliations in galilee |
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000) 151 |
darkness, outer |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
epistle of barnabas, and christology |
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 281, 288 |
epistle of barnabas, and covenant |
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 281 |
epistle of barnabas, and food laws |
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 281 |
epistle of barnabas, influence |
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 288 |
exegesis, biblical |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
hebrews, letter to |
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000) 151 |
hell, tortures/punishments in |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
holy spirit |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
hur |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
hymns |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
israel/israelites |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
jamnia |
Esler, The Early Christian World (2000) 151 |
jerusalem, heavenly |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
judaism, in epistle of barnabas |
Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 43 |
judgment, day of |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
law and prophets |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 288 |
mishnah |
Kessler, Bound by the Bible: Jews, Christians and the Sacrifice of Isaac (2004) 26 |
moses |
Kessler, Bound by the Bible: Jews, Christians and the Sacrifice of Isaac (2004) 26; Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 288; Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
moses (biblical) |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
new testament |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 288 |
nonverbal aspects of prayer |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
orant(e) |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
paradise |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
prayer |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
prayer gestures/postures, kneeling |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
prayer gestures/postures, lifting up hands |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
prayer gestures/postures, outstretched hands/spreading of hands |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
prayer gestures/postures, prostrating |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
prayer gestures/postures |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
prophecy' |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 288 |
prophets/prophetic |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
pseleusius |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
river, fiery |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
suffering |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
teeth, gnashing of |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
tertullian |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 84 |
valley of weeping |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
virginity |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
worm, sleepless |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |
zachaeus |
van der Vliet and Dijkstra, The Coptic Life of Aaron: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary (2020) 165 |