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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Dnkard, 8.20.121

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
animal, sheep Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158
assi, rav Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158
king Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158
lost property Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158
pahlavi Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158
piety Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158
relative, mother' Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158
zoroastrian Herman, Rubenstein, The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World (2018) 158