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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Anon., Acta Saturnini Et Dativi, 3.5

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
allegory Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
bishop Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
body Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
contagion, infection Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
converts, conversion Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
corpus Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
disease, illness Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
donatists Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
elements Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
exile Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
great persecution Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
martyrdom and book-burning Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
miracles Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
poetry, poets Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
poison Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
pride Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
tumour, swelling Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90
unity of the church' Rohmann, Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity (2016) 90