adam and eve |
Nicklas et al., Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World: Early Jewish and Ancient Christian Traditions (2010) 41 |
afterlife, eschatological punishment |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
angels, gabriel |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
angels, michael |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
angels, raphael |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
angels |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
ante-diluvian |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
art, interpreters |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
authority, prophetic |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
authority, scribal |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
books, oral origins of |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
canon, scriptural |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
cry |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
culture v |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
david |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
day, of great judgement |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
day, of punishment/visitation |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
dead sea scrolls |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
enoch, mediator |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
enoch, scribe |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
exercises, student |
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004) 203 |
family, center of education |
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004) 203 |
gentiles |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
giants, punishment of |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
giants |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
heaven |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
heavens, windows/gates of |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
help |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
hope/hopelessness |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
interpretation, biblical |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
justice, petitions for |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
kingdom |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
knowledge |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
land |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
life |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
mercy |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
moses, art |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
moses, example |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
moses, legislator |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
moses, qumran |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
moses, scribe |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
moses |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
murder |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
narrative, orality, ideological formulations of |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
oppressed ones |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
oppression |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
oppressors |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
petitions / prayers, by the oppressed |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
power/prestige, social |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
prayers, of the righteous ones |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
priests and textuality |
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004) 203 |
pseudepigraphy |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
punishment of wrongdoers |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
qumran, moses |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
qumran, scriptural traditions |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
repentance, see also unrepentance |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
revelation |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
sacrifice |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
scribes, in second temple period |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
scribes, priestly |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
scribes, scribalism |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
seneca |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
shekhina, re-written scripture |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
sinai, qumran literature |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
sinai |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
tax collector |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
temple |
Nicklas et al., Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World: Early Jewish and Ancient Christian Traditions (2010) 22, 42 |
temple v |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 412 |
testament genre' |
Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature (2004) 203 |
text-interpretive, transmission of |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
throne |
Nicklas et al., Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World: Early Jewish and Ancient Christian Traditions (2010) 41, 42 |
transmission of tradition |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 98 |
watchers/rebellious angels |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
wrath divine |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 311 |
writing, functions of |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |
writing, oral dimensions of |
Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism 200 BCE - 400 CE (2001) 23 |