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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Andocides, Against Alcibiades, 4.13

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
children, women as fathers'" Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
clinias (son of d.) Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
daughters (thygatres), father's bond with" Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
divorce Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
dowries Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
hipparete, wife of alcibiades Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
hipponicus, father of hipparete Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
house' (oikos), and marriage" '458.0_126.0@alcibiades Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
inheritance Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
marriage' "458.0_126.0@marriage, and 'house'" Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
marriage, and social reputation Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
marriage, authority of men over Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126
wealth' Brule, Women of Ancient Greece (2003) 126