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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Ancient Near Eastern Sources, Kub, xlviii 121

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
divination (greek and roman), anatolian confession inscriptions Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
divinities (ancient near eastern), hepat Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
divinities (ancient near eastern), ningal Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
divinities (ancient near eastern), zababa Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
dreams (in ancient near east), concerning health of ḫattušili iii Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
dreams (in ancient near east), received by ordinary individuals Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
dreams (in ancient near east), ḫattušili iii Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
hatshepsut (pharaoh), ḫattušili iii (hittite king) Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
incubation (ancient near eastern), by ordinary individuals Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
incubation (ancient near eastern), therapeutic incubation Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
incubation (ancient near eastern) Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65
religion (ancient near eastern), rituals for restoring health' Renberg, Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (2017) 65