aegisthus |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 229 |
aeschylus |
Castagnoli and Ceccarelli, Greek Memories: Theories and Practices (2019) 96; Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104; Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139, 140 |
agamemnon, motive of in sacrificing iphigenia |
Feldman, Judaism and Hellenism Reconsidered (2006) 258 |
agamemnon |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139, 140, 231, 232; Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
alexander the great |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
altar |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 139 |
amphipolis, temple of artemis tauropolos |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
amulets |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
animals, artemis as mistress of beasts, |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
animals, sacrificial |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
animals |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
anthropology |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
apollo |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 232 |
apollonios rhodios |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
aqedah, for philo |
Feldman, Judaism and Hellenism Reconsidered (2006) 258 |
ares, artemis and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
argos |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 229, 232 |
aristarchus |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, animals, association with |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, ares and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, dionysus and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, iphigenia, sacrifice of |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, origins and development |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, sacrifice/sacrificial rituals for |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, sanctuaries and temples |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis, zeus and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis (goddess), sanctuary at brauron |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
artemis (goddess) |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
artemis of aulis |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
artemis tauropolos |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
athens |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 232, 233 |
aulis, cult of artemis at |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
blasphemy |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138 |
blood, shedding of |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139, 140 |
bulls, artemis associated with |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
cattle |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
conscience |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228 |
curse (ara), of atreus |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138 |
demand, nancy |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
dionysos (bacchus, god) |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
dionysus, artemis and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
dyssebeia |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231 |
ellis-hansen, a. |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
empedocles |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
epicurus |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
euphemia, in aeschylus |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
festivals, artemis brauronia |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
hagnos, of voice |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
homer, on artemis |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
homicide law, athenian |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
hosios |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 229 |
hosiotes (religious correctness) |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 232, 233 |
hubris, of tantalus and his descendants |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 229 |
human sacrifice |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
hymn, to reverent purity |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
iphigenia |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104; Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
justice, as prerequisite for salvation |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 233 |
justice, dikaios opposite of mysaros in euripides |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 229 |
justice, of matricide |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 232 |
kakos, thinking evil thoughts/badly |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 229 |
kin-killing |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
king, helen |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
leitao, david |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
life-change rituals, adolescence and puberty |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
life-change rituals, hairstyles |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
life-change rituals, marriage and death rituals |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
life-change rituals, pregnancy and birth |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
life-change rituals, symbolic clothing |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
life-change rituals |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
lucretius, religion in |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
madness, in the oresteia |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
matricide, and exile of the matricides |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 229, 231, 232, 233 |
matricide, resulting in pollution |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228 |
menelaus |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228 |
miastor |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 229 |
mysaros |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 233 |
necessity, in the agamemnon |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 139 |
neils, jenifer |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
oath-breaking, provokes agos |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 233 |
orestes |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139, 140, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233; Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
parakopa |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139 |
phren/phrenes, seat of purity/impurity, in euripides electra |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 229, 231, 232, 233 |
phren/phrenes, seat of purity/impurity, in the oresteia |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139, 140 |
phren/phrenes, seat of purity/impurity, in the orestes |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228 |
phronein hosia, in euripides electra |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 229, 231, 232, 233 |
plato |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
pollution, metaphysical |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 233 |
pollux (polydeuces) |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 232 |
prayer |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
pylades |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228, 232 |
religion, in lucretius |
Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things: The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (2000) 104 |
sacrifice, animal, aegisthus in euripides electra |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 229 |
sacrifice, animal, human, of iphigenia in the agamemnon |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139, 140 |
sacrifice, animal |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
sacrifice/sacrificial rituals, for artemis |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
sacrifice/sacrificial rituals, human sacrifice |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
sanctuaries and temples, of artemis |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
sourvinou-inwood, christiane |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
supplication, and purification of homicide |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228 |
supplication, in euripides electra |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231 |
supplication, in the orestes |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 228 |
symposium, in the oresteia |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
themis, in the agamemnon |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 138, 139, 140 |
thrace, ares and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
thrace, artemis and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
thrace, dionysus associated with |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
troy |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 232 |
women, dedication of clothing (peplos) to goddesses |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
women, divine protection in childbirth |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
women, marriage |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
women, physiological change and pollution' |
Eidinow and Kindt, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion (2015) 525 |
zeus, artemis and |
Simon, Zeyl, and Shapiro,, The Gods of the Greeks (2021) 166 |
zeus, soter |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 140 |
zeus |
Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231, 232 |