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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, 168

nanYes, but he is a friend of the people! If now you attend only to the plausible sound of his words, you will be deceived as in the past; but if you look at his character and the truth, you will not be deceived. Call him to account in this way: with your help I will reckon up what ought to be the inborn qualities of the “friend of the people” and the orderly citizen; and over against them I will set down what manner of man one would expect the oligarch and the worthless man to be. And I ask you to compare the two and to see to which class he belongs—not by his professions, but by his life.

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
epideictic oratory Fortenbaugh, Aristotle's Practical Side: On his Psychology, Ethics, Politics and Rhetoric (2006) 303
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proof, demonstration' Fortenbaugh, Aristotle's Practical Side: On his Psychology, Ethics, Politics and Rhetoric (2006) 303