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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Aelius Aristides, Orations, 47.6-47.52

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

3 results
1. Homer, Iliad, 9.223 (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)

9.223. /and Patroclus cast burnt-offering into the fire. So they put forth their hands to the good cheer lying ready before them. But when they had put from them the desire of food and drink, Aias nodded to Phoenix; and goodly Odysseus was ware thereof, and filling a cup with wine he pledged Achilles:
2. Artemidorus, Oneirocritica, 5.66 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

3. Aelius Aristides, Orations, 47.6-47.9, 47.11-47.52, 47.54-47.58, 48.7, 48.9, 48.30-48.33, 48.40, 49.4, 49.12-49.13, 49.20-49.21, 49.23-49.24, 49.37, 49.39, 49.43, 50.21, 50.25, 50.28, 50.42, 50.48-50.50, 50.54-50.58, 50.60, 50.62, 50.64-50.66, 50.69, 50.81, 50.83, 50.89-50.93, 50.97, 50.106, 51.22, 51.24, 51.26, 51.31, 51.42-51.46, 51.49-51.52, 51.57-51.66 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
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aelius aristides, p. Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
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behr, c. Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
cult, of asclepius Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
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divine voices, graeco-roman Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
dream Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
dreams, in a temple Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
dreams and visions, dream figures, invisible (voice only) Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
dreams and visions, examples, aelius aristides Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 399
dreams and visions, examples, popular, personal, therapeutic Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 399
dreams and visions, incubation, oracular Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
dreams and visions, participatory Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
dreams and visions, therapeutic Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
emperor Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
kyzikos Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
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odysseus Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
oracles Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
pergamum Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
portents Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
priesthood as inferior to informal communication with the divine, evasion of Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
priesthood as inferior to informal communication with the divine, hereditary Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
priesthood as inferior to informal communication with the divine, nomination to Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
priests adolescent, in aristides' sacred tales" Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
revelation and guidance, unexpected Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
rhetoric Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
sacrifice Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
smyrna Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55
sophist Borg, Paideia: the World of the Second Sophistic: The World of the Second Sophistic (2008) 369
speech in dreams, literary quotes Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
speech in dreams Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
voice portents Moxon, Peter's Halakhic Nightmare: The 'Animal' Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (2017) 210
zeus, olympian z. at adriani, priesthood of Dignas Parker and Stroumsa, Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians (2013) 55