aristophanes |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
athens, and procne myth |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
charicleia |
Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155 |
infanticide myths |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
leucippe |
Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155 |
myth, innovative treatment of |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
nausicles |
Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155 |
nightingale, myth of, in sophocles tereus |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
ovid |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
pandion |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
philocles |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
procne, myth of, and athens |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
procne, myth of, in sophocles tereus |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
procne, myth of, ovid on |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
sophocles, innovations in myth |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
sophocles, probable hypothesis |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
sophocles, tereus |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
theagenes |
Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155 |
thisbe' |
Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155 |
tragedy, infanticide myths |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |
treatment of myth |
Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122 |