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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Achilles Tatius, The Adventures Of Leucippe And Cleitophon, 1.3.4-1.3.5

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aristophanes Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
athens, and procne myth Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
charicleia Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155
infanticide myths Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
leucippe Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155
myth, innovative treatment of Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
nausicles Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155
nightingale, myth of, in sophocles tereus Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
ovid Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
pandion Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
philocles Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
procne, myth of, and athens Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
procne, myth of, in sophocles tereus Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
procne, myth of, ovid on Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
sophocles, innovations in myth Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
sophocles, probable hypothesis Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
sophocles, tereus Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
theagenes Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155
thisbe' Repath and Whitmarsh, Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica (2022) 155
tragedy, infanticide myths Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122
treatment of myth Rutter and Sparkes, Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2012) 122