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4 results for "belshazzar"
1. Hebrew Bible, Daniel, 5.1 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •belshazzar, king Found in books: Klein and Wienand, City of Caesar, City of God: Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity (2022) 178
5.1. בֵּלְשַׁאצַּר מַלְכָּא עֲבַד לְחֶם רַב לְרַבְרְבָנוֹהִי אֲלַף וְלָקֳבֵל אַלְפָּא חַמְרָא שָׁתֵה׃ 5.1. מַלְכְּתָא לָקֳבֵל מִלֵּי מַלְכָּא וְרַבְרְבָנוֹהִי לְבֵית מִשְׁתְּיָא עללת [עַלַּת] עֲנָת מַלְכְּתָא וַאֲמֶרֶת מַלְכָּא לְעָלְמִין חֱיִי אַל־יְבַהֲלוּךְ רַעְיוֹנָךְ וְזִיוָיךְ אַל־יִשְׁתַּנּוֹ׃ 5.1. Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand.
2. Josephus Flavius, Jewish War, 1.2, 1.21.21-1.21.42 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Klein and Wienand, City of Caesar, City of God: Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity (2022) 177
1.2. οἱ παραγενόμενοι δὲ ἢ κολακείᾳ τῇ πρὸς ̔Ρωμαίους ἢ μίσει τῷ πρὸς ̓Ιουδαίους καταψεύδονται τῶν πραγμάτων, περιέχει δὲ αὐτοῖς ὅπου μὲν κατηγορίαν ὅπου δὲ ἐγκώμιον τὰ συγγράμματα, τὸ δ' ἀκριβὲς τῆς ἱστορίας οὐδαμοῦ, 1.2. ὅπως τε ὁ λαὸς μετὰ τὴν ̔Ηρώδου τελευτὴν κατεστασίασεν Αὐγούστου μὲν ̔Ρωμαίων ἡγεμονεύοντος, Κυιντιλίου δὲ Οὐάρου κατὰ τὴν χώραν ὄντος, καὶ ὡς ἔτει δωδεκάτῳ τῆς Νέρωνος ἀρχῆς ὁ πόλεμος ἀνερράγη τά τε συμβάντα κατὰ Κέστιον καὶ ὅσα κατὰ τὰς πρώτας ὁρμὰς ἐπῆλθον οἱ ̓Ιουδαῖοι τοῖς ὅπλοις, 1.2. τὰς μὲν δὴ τιμὰς ταύτας Καῖσαρ ἐπέστελλεν ἐν τῷ Καπετωλίῳ χαραχθῆναι τῆς τε αὐτοῦ δικαιοσύνης σημεῖον καὶ τῆς τἀνδρὸς ἐσομένας ἀρετῆς. 1.2. and while those that were there present have given false accounts of things, and this either out of a humor of flattery to the Romans, or of hatred towards the Jews; and while their writings contain sometimes accusations, and sometimes encomiums, but nowhere the accurate truth of the facts,
3. Antonino De Placentia, Itinerarium, 23 (3rd cent. CE - 4th cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •belshazzar, king Found in books: Klein and Wienand, City of Caesar, City of God: Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity (2022) 178
4. John Moschus, Prat., 187, 61, 68, 6 (7th cent. CE - 7th cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Klein and Wienand, City of Caesar, City of God: Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity (2022) 178