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Full texts for Hebrew Bible and rabbinic texts is kindly supplied by Sefaria; for Greek and Latin texts, by Perseus Scaife, for the Quran, by Tanzil.net

For a list of book indices included, see here.



All subjects (including unvalidated):
subject book bibliographic info
alypius Alexiou and Cairns, Greek Laughter and Tears: Antiquity and After (2017) 227, 228
Beduhn, Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma, vol. 1 (2013) 64, 152, 188, 195, 198, 200, 203, 213, 219, 221, 240, 242, 249, 263, 283, 344
Burton, Dionysus and Rome: Religion and Literature (2009) 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
Geljon and Vos, Rituals in Early Christianity: New Perspectives on Tradition and Transformation (2020) 143
Harrison, Augustine's Way into the Will: The Theological and Philosophical Significance of De libero (2006) 18, 36, 41, 45, 110, 132
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1254
Klein and Wienand, City of Caesar, City of God: Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity (2022) 19
Mcclellan, Paulinus Noster: Self and Symbols in the Letters of Paulinus of Nola (2019) 10
Motta and Petrucci, Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity (2022) 188, 191, 193, 195
Nisula, Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence (2012) 181
Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007) 32, 35
Trettel, Desires in Paradise: An Interpretative Study of Augustine's City of God 14 (2019) 30
Yates and Dupont, The Bible in Christian North Africa: Part II: Consolidation of the Canon to the Arab Conquest (ca. 393 to 650 CE). (2023) 361, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 382
alypius, associate of augustine Huebner and Laes, Aulus Gellius and Roman Reading Culture: Text, Presence and Imperial Knowledge in the 'Noctes Atticae' (2019) 298
alypius, bishop Geljon and Vos, Violence in Ancient Christianity: Victims and Perpetrators (2014) 168
Wilson, Augustine's Conversion from Traditional Free Choice to "Non-free Free Will": A Comprehensive Methodology (2018) 107, 223
alypius, bishop of thagaste Humfress, Oppian's Halieutica: Charting a Didactic Epic (2007) 85, 177, 178, 179, 190, 203, 211
alypius, hermit Hahn Emmel and Gotter, Usages of the Past in Roman Historiography (2008) 131
alypius, of caesarea Dijkstra and Raschle, Religious Violence in the Ancient World: From Classical Athens to Late Antiquity (2020) 372
alypius’, letters on, pelagian controversy Yates and Dupont, The Bible in Christian North Africa: Part II: Consolidation of the Canon to the Arab Conquest (ca. 393 to 650 CE). (2023) 366, 367, 368, 370
alypius’, letters, original sin in Yates and Dupont, The Bible in Christian North Africa: Part II: Consolidation of the Canon to the Arab Conquest (ca. 393 to 650 CE). (2023) 367, 368
alypius’, letters, paul and pauline epistles, in Yates and Dupont, The Bible in Christian North Africa: Part II: Consolidation of the Canon to the Arab Conquest (ca. 393 to 650 CE). (2023) 366, 367, 368, 369, 370

List of validated texts:
1 validated results for "alypius"
1. Augustine, Confessions, 6.7.11-6.7.12, 6.9.14, 8.2.4, 8.12.30, 9.5.13, 9.6.14, 9.8.17 (4th cent. CE - 5th cent. CE)
 Tagged with subjects: • Alypius • Alypius,

 Found in books: Beduhn, Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma, vol. 1 (2013) 64, 152, 200, 203, 221, 240, 242, 344; Burton, Dionysus and Rome: Religion and Literature (2009) 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48; Harrison, Augustine's Way into the Will: The Theological and Philosophical Significance of De libero (2006) 18, 41, 110; Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1254; Pignot, The Catechumenate in Late Antique Africa (4th–6th Centuries): Augustine of Hippo, His Contemporaries and Early Reception (2020) 72, 75; Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007) 32, 35


Please note: the results are produced through a computerized process which may frequently lead to errors, both in incorrect tagging and in other issues. Please use with caution.
Due to load times, full text fetching is currently attempted for validated results only.
Full texts for Hebrew Bible and rabbinic texts is kindly supplied by Sefaria; for Greek and Latin texts, by Perseus Scaife, for the Quran, by Tanzil.net

For a list of book indices included, see here.