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8 results for "ajax"
1. Hesiod, Works And Days, "48", "153" (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 224
2. Hesiod, Theogony, "521", "546", "657", "678", "511" (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 224
3. Homer, Iliad, 2.260, 2.257, 2.268, 2.267, 2.219, 2.266, 2.265, 2.264, 2.211, 2.212, 2.213, 2.214, 2.215, 2.216, 2.218, 2.217, 2.256, 2.255, 2.254, 2.253, 2.232, 2.231, 2.230, 2.229, 2.228, 2.262, 2.263, 2.227, 2.226, 2.225, 2.224, 2.223, 2.222, 2.221, 2.220, 2.261, 2.269, 2.243, 2.244, 2.245, "2.271-278a", 2.242, 2.241, 2.237, 2.251, 2.250, 2.249, 2.248, 2.246, 2.270, 2.271, 2.272, 2.273, 2.274, 2.275, 2.276, 2.277, 2.239, 2.238, 2.240, 2.236, 2.235, 2.234, 2.233, 2.252, 2.247, 23.799, 23.800, 23.801, 23.802, 23.803, 23.804, 23.798, 23.805, 23.807, 23.808, 23.809, 23.810, 23.811, 23.812, 23.806, 23.813, 23.814, 23.815, 23.816, 2.258, 23.817, 23.818, 23.819, 23.820, 23.821, 23.822, 23.823, 23.824, 23.825, 2.259, 23.784, 23.783, 23.782, 23.781, 23.780, 23.779, 23.778, 23.777, 23.776, 23.775, 23.774, 23.773, 6.41, 6.40, 6.39, "7.267", 6.38, "24.524", 21.365, 21.364, 21.363, 21.362, "18.349", "13.48" (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 282
2.260. μηδʼ ἔτι Τηλεμάχοιο πατὴρ κεκλημένος εἴην, 2.260. nor may I any more be called the father of Telemachus, if I take thee not, and strip off thy raiment, thy cloak, and thy tunic that cover thy nakedness, and for thyself send thee wailing to the swift ships, beaten forth from the place of gathering with shameful blows.
4. Homer, Odyssey, a b c d\n0 14.213 14.213 14 213\n1 14.212 14.212 14 212\n2 "6.57" "6.57" "6 57"\n3 "11.212" "11.212" "11 212"\n4 "10.360" "10.360" "10 360"\n5 6.14 6.14 6 14\n6 6.13 6.13 6 13\n7 "4.103" "4.103" "4 103" (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 234
14.213. οὐδὲ φυγοπτόλεμος· νῦν δʼ ἤδη πάντα λέλοιπεν
5. Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica, a b c d\n0 2.751 2.751 2 751\n1 2.750 2.750 2 750\n2 2.749 2.749 2 749\n3 2.748 2.748 2 748\n4 2.747 2.747 2 747\n5 2.746 2.746 2 746\n6 2.745 2.745 2 745\n7 2.727 2.727 2 727\n8 2.728 2.728 2 728\n9 2.729 2.729 2 729\n10 2.744 2.744 2 744\n11 2.743 2.743 2 743\n12 2.742 2.742 2 742\n13 2.741 2.741 2 741\n14 2.740 2.740 2 740\n15 2.739 2.739 2 739\n16 2.738 2.738 2 738\n17 2.737 2.737 2 737\n18 2.736 2.736 2 736\n19 2.735 2.735 2 735\n20 2.734 2.734 2 734\n21 2.733 2.733 2 733\n22 2.732 2.732 2 732\n23 2.731 2.731 2 731\n24 2.730 2.730 2 730\n25 "3.390" "3.390" "3 390"\n26 "2.210" "2.210" "2 210" (3rd cent. BCE - 3rd cent. BCE)  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 29
6. Oppian, Halieutica, a b c d\n0 "5.6" "5.6" "5 6" (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •ajax (locrian or lesser) Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 224
7. Oppian, Halieutica, a b c d\n0 "5.6" "5.6" "5 6" (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)  Tagged with subjects: •ajax (locrian or lesser) Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 224
8. Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica, a b c d\n0 1.752 1.752 1 752\n1 1.726 1.726 1 726\n2 1.827 1.827 1 827\n3 1.826 1.826 1 826\n4 1.825 1.825 1 825\n.. ... ... .. ...\n340 14.421 14.421 14 421\n341 14.422 14.422 14 422\n342 14.423 14.423 14 423\n343 14.439 14.439 14 439\n344 14.424 14.424 14 424\n\n[345 rows x 4 columns]  Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 282