1. Homer, Iliad, a b c d\n0 22.486 22.486 22 486\n1 22.487 22.487 22 487\n2 22.488 22.488 22 488\n3 22.489 22.489 22 489\n4 22.490 22.490 22 490\n.. ... ... ... ...\n79 22.502 22.502 22 502\n80 22.503 22.503 22 503\n81 22.504 22.504 22 504\n82 22.505 22.505 22 505\n83 "24.409" "24.409" "24 409"\n\n[84 rows x 4 columns] (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 251 22.486. ἔσσεαι Ἕκτορ ὄνειαρ ἐπεὶ θάνες, οὔτε σοὶ οὗτος. | 22.486. and thy son is still a mere babe, the son born of thee and me in our haplessness; nor shalt thou be any profit to him, Hector, seeing thou art dead, neither he to thee. For even though he escape the woeful war of the Achaeans, yet shall his portion be labour and sorrow in the aftertime, for others will take away his lands. |
2. Homer, Odyssey, a b c d\n0 19.109 19.109 19 109\n1 19.111 19.111 19 111\n2 19.110 19.110 19 110\n3 "17.531" "17.531" "17 531"\n4 "9.291" "9.291" "9 291" (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 220 19.109. ὥς τέ τευ ἢ βασιλῆος ἀμύμονος, ὅς τε θεουδὴς | |
3. Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica, a b c d\n0 "2.718" "2.718" "2 718" (3rd cent. BCE - 3rd cent. BCE) Tagged with subjects: •achilles, armour of Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 220 |
4. Philostratus The Athenian, On Heroes, 48.11-48.13, 50.1-50.3 (2nd cent. CE - missingth cent. CE) Tagged with subjects: •achilles, armour of Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 137 |
5. Philostratus, Heroicus, 48.11-48.13, 50.1-50.3 (3rd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE) Tagged with subjects: •achilles, armour of Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 137 |
6. Porphyry, The Homeric Question On The Odyssey, "6.121a-d pontani" (3rd cent. CE - 4th cent. CE) Tagged with subjects: •achilles, armour of Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 220 |
7. Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica, a b c d\n0 1.9 1.9 1 9\n1 "3.180" "3.180" "3 180"\n2 "3.178" "3.178" "3 178"\n3 3.175 3.175 3 175\n4 3.174 3.174 3 174\n.. ... ... .. ...\n96 5.368 5.368 5 368\n97 5.369 5.369 5 369\n98 5.370 5.370 5 370\n99 5.371 5.371 5 371\n100 5.372 5.372 5 372\n\n[101 rows x 4 columns] Tagged with subjects: •nan Found in books: Bär et al, Quintus of Smyrna’s 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome (2022) 90 |